Release Notes 2022.6.0

Release Highlights

The main focus of the 2022.6.0 release is to fix the most critical issues in Incorta Cloud, especially those reported by our customers. The release also introduces some enhancements and fixes designed to make Incorta more secure, stable, and reliable.


In case you use a data agent to allow Incorta to access your data, you must upgrade your data agent service to the new version available on the Cloud Admin Portal. Contact Incorta Support if you need help.

What’s New?

Component SDK enabled by default

In this release, the Component SDK will be enabled by default for users who belong to a group with the SuperRole role. Now, you can start using the Component SDK without referring to Incorta Support to enable it for you.

In addition to the Component SDK, the Incorta Marketplace will be available with different visualizations that you can install to your tenant. Current visualizations include the Dual KPI, Bar Race Chart, and Liquid Fill Gauge.

After installing a visualization, users who belong to groups with the AnalyzeUser or Individual Analyzer roles will be able to use the installed visualization to build interactive and dynamic insights and add them to dashboards.

For more information, refer to Component SDK.

Key Fixes and Enhancements

Physical Schema and Connectors

  • Resolved an issue where schema model updates failed although schema load succeeded
  • Resolved an issue with the Salesforce connector that caused reference or lookup columns in a Salesforce table not to be discovered


  • Fixed an issue where a dashboard could take an unnecessarily long time to process and result in an error
  • Fixed an issue with vertical scrolling when trying to change the insight’s height, size, or position
  • Fixed an issue where the filtered data by searching was not reflected in the exported file; instead, all data appeared
  • Resolved an issue in which removing prompt filters from the Dashboard view did not affect dashboards sent to data destinations
  • Fixed an issue in which drilling down to other dashboards did not work properly when using a formula column as the first column in the Grouping Dimension tray
  • Fixed an issue that caused insights to be trimmed when exported as images (PNG or JPEG)
  • Fixed an issue that caused sending dashboards with Pivot Tables via email to fail
  • Fixed an issue where all dashboards failed to render and showed HTTP 422 errors
  • Fixed an issue in which hiding a data column from an insight legend and then using it again in a different insight would show no data
  • Fixed an issue that caused sending a dashboard via email to fail when it had more than one insight with Average Lines


  • Fixed an issue where enabling the Running Total toggle for a column in the measure tray resulted in an unexpected insight error
  • Fixed an issue where downloading or sending a Pivot Table insight as XLSX was failing
  • Fixed an issue in which running total in hierarchy aggregated tables did not work properly
  • Resolved an issue where using a formula column that returned empty string values as an insight distinct filter caused the Analytics service to hang

Materialized Views and SQLi

  • Fixed an issue where a transformation error appeared when validating an MV table that had multiple columns with the same alias name
  • Fixed an issue that caused parseDate and parseTimestamp functions to be evaluated as NULL when accessed through the Spark port
  • Resolved a security issue when completing Spark jobs


  • Resolved an issue where dark mode could change the format of the last column in a dynamic grouping in a visualization
  • Resolved an issue with the Inspector Tool in which an error occurred when trying to view Severity-1 issues

Known Issues and Workarounds

The following table illustrates the known issues in this release, with a workaround if it is available:

Known IssueWorkaround
When you close the browser while you have unsaved (unpublished) changes on physical schemas, these physical schemas are locked and other users will not be able to edit them.To unlock these physical schemas, you can either publish your changes or discard your draft version.
In addition, these physical schemas will be automatically unlocked after 5 minutes.