Release Notes 2022.5.1

Release Highlights

This release builds on 2022.5.0 and addresses bugs and some known issues that were highlighted in 2022.5.0.

The component SDK has a new API called PrivateData to store any data while rendering the developed visualization. In addition, a new Tornado visualization is added to Incorta visualizations collection.

As an extension of the physical schema object dependencies introduced in the 2022.4.0 release, this feature will now include dependent dashboards in the dependency list. The Home page is enhanced to simplify the navigation and guide through Incorta. In addition, the dashboard provides a new feature to add insights based on Incorta SQL Views, business views, or physical schema objects to a single dashboard.

Upgrade Considerations

  • Incorta is deprecating the multi-tenant clusters on Cloud. You must separate the multiple tenants to different clusters to upgrade to the 2022.5.1 release.

In case you use a data agent to allow Incorta to access your data, you must upgrade your data agent service to the new version available on the Cloud Admin Portal. Contact Incorta Support if you need help.

New Features

Dashboards, Visualizations, and Analytics

Data Management Layer

Tornado visualization

A new Tornado visualization is added to the collection of available visualizations used in building insights and dashboard that you can use in building insights and dashboards. The Tornado visualization is used for sensitivity analysis by facilitating the comparison of one variable with the output of another independent variable. For more information, refer to Visualizations → Tornado.

Excel and CSV enhancements

The performance of exporting Excel and CSV files has improved. In addition, Excel and CSV files now respect the date formats that are displayed in Incorta Analytics and export them as is.

Support for SQL View-based insights with other insights on the same dashboard

Now you can add insights that are based on Incorta SQL Views and other insights that are based on other business views or physical schema objects to the same dashboard, which was not possible in previous releases. You can create, for example, a dashboard that contains insights with Incorta SQL Views data set along with insights with Incorta Analyzer Views, Business Schema Views, and physical schema objects data sets.

Component SDK PrivateData API

The Component SDK is enhanced with a new API called PrivateData. This API enables the developers to store any data that is not derived from configurations, settings, or measures. You can use this API to store any data while rendering the developed visualization. For more information, refer to Component SDK → PrivateData API.

The function of the SQL link is enhanced to view the generated SQL reference code from within the insight for the aggregated table, the listing table, and the pivot table

Deprecating multi-tenant clusters

Starting this release, Incorta Cloud is only allowing a single-tenant per cluster. For the already existing multi-tenant clusters, you must move each tenant to a separate cluster before you upgrade to 2022.5.1. Otherwise, your clusters will not be upgraded.

Tracking column-dependent dashboards

The dependency list now shows all dependent dashboards where the physical schema column is directly referenced or a column-dependent entity is referenced. When you select to display the dependencies of a column in a physical schema object, you can find the Dashboard tab where all dependent dashboards are listed, along with the path and owner of each.

For more information, refer to Tools → Table Editor → Column dependencies.

Additional Enhancements and Fixes

In addition to the new features and major enhancements mentioned above, this release introduces some additional enhancements and fixes that help to make Incorta more stable, engaging, and reliable.

Physical Schema and Business Schema

  • Fixed an issue where parent tables would load with 0 rows
  • Resolved an error that could occur when editing a data source
  • Fixed an issue where a query would fail when chunking and global variables were used in conjunction
  • Fixed an issue where the number of rows in a newly created table in an already loaded schema, incorrectly appeared as zero before saving this created table
  • Resolved an issue where a schema synchronization would be prevented from completing an update
  • Fixed an issue where a full load of a schema could fail if an empty table existed in the schema
  • Resolved an issue where a query would run on the incorrect engine
  • Fixed an issue where a join with a schema containing only alias tables would result in an error
  • Resolved an issue where placeholder column names were deleted in a business view
  • Fixed an issue where a schema update could remove level columns from a table
  • Resolved an issue where executing an SQL query with specific configurations would not successfully complete
  • Fixed an issue where the Loading button was disabled until the update job was completed
  • Resolved an issue that caused a warning message to appear in the commited version when the user saved a dataset without discovery and kept the change as a draft version


  • Fixed an issue where the data calculated in the KPI insight built on top of SQL view was wrong, and changing the aggregation was not reflected
  • Resolved an issue where insight settings, such as Dynamic Group-By, would fail to apply until the user refreshed the page
  • Fixed an issue where Rich Text insights were not scrollable when sent externally as HTML
  • Fixed an issue in which the Thousands Separator did not show for non-numeric columns in Listing Table visualizations


  • Fixed an issue where promt filiters would not display in mixed insight configurations
  • Resolved an error where a dashboard could erroneously attempt to display a join
  • Fixed an issue where a dashboard containing a custom component could fail to render
  • Resolved an issue where subtotals in a dashboard would be removed when imported
  • Fixed an issue where the users without edit permissions where receiving the wrong error message when attempting to save an edit to a dashboard. Invalid options will now be visually dimmed in the Save as menu
  • Resolved an issue where the numeric slicer tool would keep resetting to to the maximum and minimum values
  • Fixed an issue in the Dashboard scheduler where the incorrect data destination would render
  • Resolved an issue in which sending dashboards that contain spaces in their name to Google Sheets data destination created file names concatenated with no spaces
  • Fixed an issue where duplicating a dashboard or editing an insight resulted in redirection to the top of the dashboard and a wrong notification message
  • Resolved an issue where drill-down filters were not always being applied


  • Fixed an issue where a public API query on a data set casued a related dashboard to fail to render
  • Resolved an issue where presentation variables would not always evaluate to the correct value in SQL Views
  • Resolved an issue where measures using data part and running totals configurations could return an incorrect value
  • Fixed an issue with the generate SQL button, in which an error appeared when you created a runtime security filter using inList function on a table

Inspector Tool

  • Fixed an issue where the Inspector tool usage resulted in the CPU usage to spike to 85% and more. This fix required deleting the LINEAGE_REPORT table from the InspectorMetadata schema. Make sure to download the latest inpsector tool files before running the Inspector tool.


  • Fixed an issue that caused incremental load jobs of tables with SQL-based data sources, such as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle, to fail when the Incremental Script had multiple conditions with the ? option to retrieve new and updated data

Materialized Views and SQLi

  • Fixed an issue in which MVs encountered a Spark error during Parquet reading after an upgrade from 2022.1.0
  • Fixed an issue that caused Spark connections not to release allocated resources when the JDBC connections were dropped
  • Resolved an issue in which using SQLi to query boolean column returns a wrong result set

Cluster Management Console (CMC)

  • Enhanced the validation while entering a cluster, node, or service name during the creation process
  • Resolved an issue where the CMC would not produce a notification when the cluster metadata database server was down


  • Fixed an issue in which the “Scheduling is paused now” warning message is not displayed when the Pause Scheduled Jobs option the CMC is enabled
  • Enhanced the security by upgrading the Apache Log4j2 used in different components to the latest version 2.17
  • Resolved an issue where specific SQLi queries would not finish resolving

Known Issues and Workarounds

The following table illustrates the known issues in this release, with a workaround if it is available:

Known IssueWorkaround
Exporting a tenant with a global variable in the new syntax from a cluster that runs a release prior to 2022.5.1 and then importing it to a 2022.5.1 cluster will cause the Edit Global Variable dialog to show an empty Value.Upgrade the older cluster first to the 2020.5.1 release, and then export the tenant that you want to import to the other 2022.5.1 cluster.
After upgrading a cluster with global variables in the old syntax to the 2022.5.1 release, all existing global variables referenced in physical schema tables or MVs will function as expected. However, if you try to test these variables, it will throw errors.You must use a query or queryDistinct expression when updating or testing any of the existing global variables.
Simulated null values can appear on an insight as a 0 value.