Concepts → Business Schema View Formula Column

About a business schema view formula column

For a Business Schema View, you can create an expression for a formula column using the Formula Builder. A formula expression has certain capabilities and limitations in a business schema view.

Using the Business Schema Designer, you can create a business schema view formula column by dragging and dropping New Formula from the Data panel into the canvas of the business schema view. These actions add a new business schema view formula column to the business schema view. From here, you can edit the properties of the business schema view formula column.

Column data lineage

Starting with 2023.7.0, you can view the data lineage of columns and formula columns in runtime business views in the Data Lineage Viewer v2 that displays a diagram with the entities referenced in the column (upstream lineage) and entities where the column is referenced (downstream lineage).

Properties of a business schema view formula column

Here are the properties of a formula column in a business schema view:

Nametext boxEnter the formula column’s name; used in the fully qualified name of the columnValid characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, $, _
Name must begin with a letter character
Labeltext boxEnter a user friendly nameutf-8 md valid characters, including emoji 😀
Descriptionread onlyAdditional information for column, observable in the column details of the Analyzerutf-8 md valid characters, including emoji 😀
Typeread onlyAvailable starting with 2023.7.0.
The data type of the calculated formula column.
Functiondrop down listSelect the Incorta Function of the columnDimension or Measure
Set/Change FormulaFormula BuilderCreate or edit a formula expression.See Formula Builder

A formula column that functions as a dimension will not appear in the list of runtime dashboard filters.

Business schema view formula column expressions

A formula expression returns a scalar value or array of values. These values are of a specific type. A formula expression can consist of:

  • referenced columns
  • built-in functions
  • variable

Referenceable columns in a business schema view formula column expression

A referenced column has a fully qualified name. Here are the possible types of referenceable columns in a business schema view formula column expression:

Reference SourceReference TypeReferenceableNote
Physical_Schema.Incorta_Analyzer_Table.Formula_ColumnData-backed formulaYes
Business_Schema.View.Formula_ColumnRuntime formulaYes
Business_Schema.Incorta_View.ColumnData-backedNoValidation possible in the Formula Builder.
Runtime error in the Analyzer (Explore Data)
Business_Schema.Incorta_View.Formula_ColumnRuntime formulaNoValidation possible in the Formula Builder.
Runtime error in the Analyzer (Explore Data)

Data-backed references data that persists to Shared Storage.

Supported built-in functions

A formula column in a business schema view can use the following built-in functions in a formula expression:

Function TypeDescriptionExamples
AggregationFunctions that accumulate data to a summary valueaverage, count, distinct, max, median, min, or sum
BooleanFunctions that evaluate to True or Falseand, between, contains, endsWith, in, inList, isNan, isNull, like, not, or, startsWith
Conditional StatementStatements that return a value based on the evaluation of a parametercase, decode, and if
ConversionFunctions that convert the Incorta Data Type of a parameter. In addition, functions that manipulate Timestamp and Date values for different return, double, monthName, parseDouble, string, toChar, and year
FilterFunctions that specify a subset of data itemsfirstVersion or lastVersion
MiscellaneousFunctions with assorted usesdescendantOf, lookup, rowNumber, and schemaRefreshTime
ArithmeticFunctions that take one or more values and return a single valueabs, ceil, exp, floor, max, min, mod, rnd, round, sqrt, and trunc
DateFunctions that manipulate Timestamp and Date valuesaddDays, date, month, removeTime, weekday, and year
StringFunctions that return string values or return values based on string parametersbin, concat, find, ifNull, repeat, rTrim, and upper
AnalyticFunctions that compute values over a group of rows and returns a single result for each rowdenseRank, index, or rank

Variable references in formula expressions

In the Formula Builder, in the Functions and Variables panel, certain variables are referenceable in the formula expression. Some types of variables all users have access to and other kinds of variables are subject to Discretionary Access Control (DAC).

Here are the various categories of variables:

  • System Variables: Predefined variables within Incorta that return a value as a defined type.
  • External Session Variables: Variables that query an external data source when invoked. Values returned as string.
  • Internal Session Variables: Variables that query data within a schema. Values returned as string.
  • Global Variables: Variables available to all tenant users that return a scalar value or an array of scalar values as a type defined per the query syntax.

Formula expressions in a business schema view formula column can reference the following variables:

Variable TypeReferenceableNote
System VariableYes
External Session VariableYes
Internal Session VariableYes
Global VariableYesSupported starting the 2022.4.0 release

Additional Considerations

There are additional considerations for a business schema view formula column in:

  • the Analyzer
  • an Insight

Business schema view formula columns in the Analyzer

When using the Analyzer, you can select and inspect business view columns in the Data panel. For a given column, select the Information icon in the right gutter. The Information dialog shows the:

  • Column Name
  • Source Column/Formula
  • Data Type
  • Function
  • Description
  • Sample Data

The Information dialog shows the formula expression.

Business schema view formula columns in an Insight

A business schema view formula column in an Insight will enforce a defined aggregation in the formula expression. This means that a user cannot override the aggregation for the business schema view formula column in the Analyzer.

You can use a business schema view formula column as an applicable filter for an insight, including Individual, Distinct, and Aggregated filters.