Concepts → Runtime Business View

About a runtime business view

A Runtime Business View conceptually describes the three types of views that you can create in a Business Schema.

There three types of runtime business views are:

These view types — business schema view, Incorta Analyzer View, and Incorta SQL View — can exist within the same business schema. You can create a business schema view with the Business Schema Designer, an Incorta Analyzer View with the Analyzer, and an Incorta SQL View with the Query Editor.

From a conceptual perspective, a runtime business view represents a logical view of a subset of data within related physical schema tables. The following table describes how:

DescriptionBusiness Schema ViewIncorta Analyzer ViewIncorta SQL View
Narrow and curate the columns exposed
the underlying physical schema tables
Filtering the number of individual rows
Filtering the aggregated results for a
given measure

A runtime runtime business view also introduces a semantic layer. The following table describes how:

DescriptionBusiness Schema ViewIncorta Analyzer ViewIncorta SQL View
Standardized business terminology
Predefined/Standardized row-level formulas and
Predefined/Standardized aggregated formulas and
Object data lineage

You can view the data lineage of runtime business views in the Data Lineage Viewer v2 that displays a diagram with the entities referenced in the runtime business view (upstream lineage) and entities where the runtime business view is referenced (downstream lineage). Additionally, you can view the data lineage per column or formula column (as applicable) in the business view.