Concepts → Local Data File

About a local data file

Using the Data Manager, you can upload one or more data files and folders to Shared Storage for a given tenant in an Incorta cluster. An uploaded file is a local data file and an uploaded folder is a local data folder.

Incorta exposes the local data files and local data folders as the LocalFiles data source. With the File System connector, you can connect to the LocalFiles data source.

The File System connector supports selecting a local data file or a group of files from a local data folder.

Supported file formats

The Data Manager allows you to upload one or more local data files in the following file formats:

File ExtensionFile TypeExampleNotes
.csvcomma separated valuessales.csvCan contain a header row
.tsvtab separated valuessales.tsvCan contain a header row
.tabtab separated valuessales.tsvCan contain a header row
.txtcustom delimiter for separated valuessales.txtCan contain a header row
.xlsxMicrosoft Excel 2000 and abovesales.xlsxMust be .xlsx.
Supports Worksheet selection.
.kmlKeyhole Markup Language (KML)
tag-based structure with nested attributes based on the XML standard
sales.kmlAll tags are case-sensitive.
.kmzzipped version of a KML filesales.kmz
.gzipcompressed file format for Linux and Unixsales.gzipArchive must contain a supported file type
.zipcompressed file format for Mac OS and Windowssales.zipArchive must contain a supported file type

After a file upload, Incorta will unzip compressed folders and files. Compressed file formats must contain a support file format: .csv, .tsv, .tab, .txt, .kml, or .xlsx.
A local data file can contain a header row.