Concepts → Internal Query Expression

About an Internal Query Expression

An internal query expression queries a physical schema table or runtime business view. In this regard, the adjective “internal” references physical schemas and business schemas within a given tenant. The objective of an internal query expression is to return a single scalar value or an array of scalar values.

You use the Formula Builder to create the internal query expression. The internal query expression requires either the query() or queryDistinct() built-in function. Both functions require a fully qualified name for a single column in a physical schema table or a runtime business view. An internal query expression can also contain one or more predicates for filtering query results.


When you use a variable that returns a date or a date value, make sure that the value is in the following format yyyy-MM-dd.

Internal query expression context

The context for an internal query expression is an internal session variable or an In Query filter operator and formula expression. The internal query expression context determines the validation rules for the expression itself and the limitations of the expression.

For example, an internal query expression can reference in a predicate another internal query expression or another internal session variable.

Valid references in an internal query expression

Here are the valid references in an internal query expression:

  • Referenceable columns
  • Supported built-in functions
  • Referenceable variables

View Access Rights

In order to reference a column or variable in an internal query expression, you must have View access rights to the grandparent object (schema or business schema) or the variable.

Referenceable columns

A referenceable column has a fully qualified name. A referenceable column exists in a physical schema or runtime business view. Here are the possible types of referenceable columns in an internal query expression:

  • Physical_Schema.Table.Column
  • Physical_Schema.Table.Formula_Column
  • Physical_Schema.Incorta_Table.Column
  • Physical_Schema.Incorta_Table.Formula_Column
  • Physical_Schema.Incorta_Analyzer_Table.Column
  • Physical_Schema.Incorta_Analyzer_Table.Formula_Column
  • Physical_Schema.Incorta_SQL_Table.Column
  • Business_Schema.View.Column
  • Business_Schema.View.Formula_Column
  • Business_Schema.Incorta_View.Column
  • Business_Schema.Incorta_View.Formula_Column

Supported built-in functions

The following are the types of valid built-in functions for an internal query expression:

Function TypeDescriptionExample
BooleanFunctions that evaluate to True or Falseand, between, contains, endsWith, in, inList, isNan, isNull, like, not, or, startsWith
Conditional StatementStatements that return a value based on the evaluation of a parametercase, decode, and if
ConversionFunctions that convert the Incorta Data Type of a parameter. In addition, functions that manipulate Timestamp and Date values for different return, double, monthName, parseDouble, string, toChar, and year
MiscellaneousFunctions with assorted usesdescendantOf, lookup, rowNumber, and schemaRefreshTime
ArithmeticFunctions that take one or more values and return a single value.abs, ceil, exp, floor, max, min, mod, rnd, round, sqrt, and trunc
DateFunctions that manipulate Timestamp and Date values.addDays, date, month, removeTime, weekday, and year
StringFunctions that return string values or return values based on string parameters.bin, concat, find, ifNull, repeat, rTrim, and upper
QueryFunctions that act as the base query function or query filtering functions.query and queryDistinct

Internal query expressions are incompatible with built-in aggregation or analytics functions. They will not be listed in the Formula Builder when building an expression.

Referenceable variables and functions

The following are the types of variables and functions that are referenceable in an internal query expression:

Variable TypeInternal Session VariableInQuery
Built-in function
Date system variable
External session variable
Filter expression session variable
Internal session variable
Global session variable
Miscellaneous system variable
Presentation variable

Internal query expression examples

The following are several examples of internal query expressions:

Example with fully qualified column name:


Example with referenceable internal or external session variable:

sch_IncortaMetadata.GROUP.NAME = "grp_Admin",
sch_IncortaMetadata.GROUP.TENANTID = $ivar_getTenantID

Both Internal and external session variables are referenced in an internal query expression using the same syntax, using a $ before the variable name.

Example with a referenceable system variable:

SALES.SALES.TIME_ID = $currentDate

Examples with Boolean functions:

Example 1:

) = trim(

Example 2:


Following is an example internal query expression using a conditional statement in the query:


Because the result of a session variable is always a string or an array of strings, you must cast the session variable result value when you compare it to a non-string value.