Concepts → Formula Expression

About a formula expression

A formula expression is an expression in a formula column or formula pill.

A formula expression returns a scalar or an array of values of a specific data type. The expression can consist of built-in functions, built-in system variables, and other referenceable objects valid for the expression context.

You can create complex formula expressions with the Formula Builder using any of the following as allowed by the expression context:

Formula expression context

The expression context determines the validation rules for the expression itself and the limitations of the expression.

For example, the expression context of a physical schema table formula column allows only for referenceable objects within the scope of physical schemas and the Loader Service. For this reason, when creating a formula column in the Table Editor, it is not possible to reference a business schema view column in the formula column expression as a business schema view column is a runtime reference to an in-memory object in the Analytics Service.

View Access Rights

In order to reference a column or variable in a formula expression, you must have View access rights to the grandparent object (schema or business schema) or the variable.