Data Applications → Analyze Oracle EBS Accounts Payable

About the Oracle EBS Accounts Payable Data Application

The Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Accounts Payable (AP) module administers payment for products or services. The Incorta Direct Data Platform™ data application for the Accounts Payable module provides prebuilt schemas, dashboards, and insights to help you manage cash, optimize payment timing for maximum benefit, and even help to identify problematic vendors.

Here are some of the questions answered by the Oracle EBS Accounts Payable data application:

  • Are payments to key suppliers or supplier groups overdue?
  • What is the discount lost?
  • What are the AP invoice holds by buyer, and how does that relate to the purchase orders (POs)?
  • What are the top invoices by discount amount offered that are on hold?
  • Do we pay suppliers too early, too late, or on time?
  • How does payment timing impact our working capital?
  • How efficiently do we process payables?
  • What percentage of the invoices we receive are manual?
  • How long does it take us to process an invoice?
  • Which cost centers generate the top expenses? Which organization and/or person is the top spender?

You can further customize and add on to the insights in the Incorta Accounts Payable data application to support your specific business needs.


The Oracle EBS Accounts Payable data application is available in the On-Premises and Cloud Versions of Incorta.

Accounts Payable Data Application Components

Here are the Incorta prebuilt Accounts Payable data application physical schemas, business schemas, dashboard folders, dashboards, and insights:

Physical Schemas

  • EBS_AP
  • EBS common schemas:

Business Schemas

  • PayablesHoldsAndDiscounts: Provides visibility into invoices and payments that are on hold so that payments to key suppliers or supplier groups do not become overdue and cause supply chain disruptions
  • PayablesTransactions: Provides a detailed level business view to analyze payables transaction activities during a period of time by supplier, organization, item and other related dimensions
  • PurchaseOrder: Provides an operational view of the purchase orders to help manage the overall procurement process and make sure purchase orders are processed in timely manner
  • SupplierPaymentsOverview: Provides a high level overview of delivery and quality performance related metrics for suppliers, including payments and hold information
  • SupplierList: Provides details on suppliers

Dashboard Folder

  • Payables

Dashboards and Insights

Payables Overview Dashboard

The Payables Overview Dashboard provides insight into invoices, holds, and payments, primarily as they pertain to suppliers. This dashboard consists of the following tabs: Overview, Holds, and Payments.

Overview Tab

Invoices on HoldThis KPI insight shows the number of invoices on hold
Open HoldsThis KPI insight shows the number of open holds
# of BuyersThis KPI insight shows the number of buyers
Top 10 Suppliers by Billed AmountThis stacked column insight shows the top ten suppliers by year and amount billed
Top 10 Suppliers by Outstanding PaymentThis sunburst insight shows the top ten suppliers by amount of outstanding payment
Top 20 Suppliers by Discount LostThis aggregated table insight ranks the top twenty suppliers by the amount of discount lost
Holds by TypeThis donut insight shows the holds by type as a percent of total holds
Holds by SupplierThis aggregated table insight shows the number invoices on hold and open holds by supplier
DetailsThis aggregated table insight shows the invoice details, including: Year, Invoice Number, Invoice Date, Supplier Name, Supplier Site Code, Source, Invoice Received Date, Invoice Currency Code, and Invoice Description

Example: Overview Tab (Payables Overview Dashboard)

Holds Tab

HoldsThis KPI insight shows the number of open holds
Invoice Amount on HoldThis KPI insight shows the dollar amount of invoices on hold
Avg Holds per InvoiceThis KPI insight shows the average number of holds per invoice
Discount Lost %This KPI insight shows the discount percent lost
Hold Creation TrendThis line insight shows the trend of holds created by month end date
Hold DetailsThis listing table insight shows the open hold details, including: Hold ID, Hold Invoice ID, Invoice Number, Supplier, Year, Purchase Order Number, Buyer, Item, Invoice Date, and Term

Example: Holds Tab (Payables Overview Dashboard)

Payments Tab

Outstanding PaymentsThis KPI insight shows the dollar amount of outstanding payments
Early Payment AmountThis KPI insight shows the dollar amount of early payments
% OverdueThis KPI insight shows the percent of supplier payments that are overdue
% DueThis KPI insight shows the percent of supplier payments that are due at a future date
Top 10 Suppliers by PaymentThis column insight shows the top ten suppliers by payment amount in dollars
Payment DetailsThis aggregated table insight shows the payment details, including: year, supplier, supplier site, invoice number, payment status flag, payment number, payment priority, due date, aging bucket due, and amount remaining

Example: Payments Tab (Payables Overview Dashboard)

Holds and Discount Dashboard

HoldsThis KPI insight shows the number of open holds
Invoice Amount on HoldThis KPI insight shows the dollar amount of invoices on hold
Avg Holds per InvoiceThis KPI insight shows the average number of holds per invoice
Discount Lost %This KPI insight shows the percent of discount lost
Top Holds ReasonThis tag cloud insight shows the top hold reasons
Holds by TypeThis heatmap insight shows holds by type
Holds AgingThis column insight shows the number of holds in each aging bucket
Supplier HoldsThis bubble insight shows the number of holds and average days on hold by supplier
Hold Creation TrendThis line insight shows the trend of hold creation by month end date
Holds by SupplierThis aggregated table insight shows the number of holds by supplier
Holds by BuyerThis aggregated table insight shows the number of holds by buyer
Holds and Discount Lost by InvoicesThis aggregated table shows the number of holds and discount lost amount by invoice
Hold DetailsThis listing table insight shows the open hold details, including: invoice number, purchase order number, buyer, supplier, item, invoice date, term, hold status, hold date, hold type, and invoice hold amount
Discount Lost DetailsThis listing table insight shows the discount lost details, including: discount lost, supplier name, discount date, invoice number, invoice date, term, payment creation date

Example: Holds & Discount Dashboard

Payables Effectiveness Dashboard

InvoicesThis KPI insight shows the number of invoices
% ManualThis KPI insight shows the percent of manually entered invoices
Avg Days to Pay an InvoiceThis KPI insight shows the average number of days to pay an invoice
Discount Lost %This KPI insight shows the percent of discount lost
Trend of Invoice Received Days AgingThis stacked column insight shows the trend of number of invoices received and days aging by quarter
Invoice Payment Cycle DaysThis stacked column insight shows the trend of number of invoices by payment cycle by quarter
Manual Invoices TrendThis column insight shows the trend of manually entered invoices by quarter
Invoices Processed by SourceThis donut insight shows the invoices processed by source as a percent of total invoices
Holds AgingThis column insight shows the number of holds in each aging bucket
Top 10 Suppliers by Discount LostThis aggregated table insight shows the top ten suppliers by discount lost
Holds by User and Age BucketThis pivot table shows the number of holds by user and aging bucket

Example: Payables Effectiveness Dashboard

Procurement and Payables Details Dashboard

Supplier InvoicesThis pie insight shows invoices by supplier as a percent of total invoices
Hold Type CountsThis funnel insight shows the number of holds by hold type
Procurement Hold DetailsThis listing table insight shows the procurement hold details, including: invoice number, invoice date, supplier name, purchase order number, release number, hold type, buyer full name, release buyer, hold invoice number, term, hold status, need by date, promised date, hold date, ship to organization, shipment number, shipment location code, item, UOM, quantity ordered, quantity billed, quantity cancelled, quantity received, and invoice hold amount

Example: Procurement & Payables Dashboard

Supplier Payments Dashboard

Outstanding PaymentsThis KPI insight shows the dollar amount of outstanding payments
Early Payment AmountThis KPI insight shows the dollar amount of early payments
% OverdueThis KPI insight shows the percent of supplier payments that are overdue
% DueThis KPI insight shows the percent of supplier payments that are due at a future date
Payment Due AgingThis column insight shows the amount of payment remaining in each aging bucket
Payment Overdue AgingThis pie chart shows the amount of payment remaining in each overdue aging bucket
Top 10 Suppliers by PaymentThis column insight shows the top ten suppliers by payment amount
Top 10 Suppliers by Avg Payment Early DaysThis aggregated table shows the top ten suppliers by average days the payment was early
Payment DetailsThis aggregated table insight shows the payment details, including: invoice number, supplier site, supplier, payment number, payment priority, payment status flag, invoice date, due date, payment type, payment creation date, check date, check number, aging bucket due, and payment amount

Example: Supplier Payments Dashboard

Employee Expenses Dashboard

Avg Expense Filing DaysThis KPI insight shows the average number of days to file the expense report
Avg Expense Reimbursement DaysThis KPI insight shows the average number of days to reimburse the expenses
Credit Card Trxns %This KPI insight shows the credit card transaction percent of total expense report transactions
Top 100 Expense ReasonsThis tag cloud insight shows the top hundred expense reasons
Expense Filing Cycle TimeThis stacked column insight shows the number of expense reports by filing cycle time bucket by quarter
Expense Reimbursement Cycle TimeThis stacked column insight shows the number of expense reports by reimbursement cycle time bucket by quarter
Credit Card Trxns %This percent column insight shows the credit card transaction percent of total expense report transactions by quarter
Top 10 Cost Centers by ExpensesThis treemap insight shows the top ten expense amounts by cost centers and line category
Expenses by TypeThis treemap shows expense amounts by line category
Top Violations by TypeThis packed bubble insight shows the top violations by audit reason
Top ViolatorsThis aggregated table insight shows the people with the top number of violating expense reports, and the percent of total violating expense reports
Expense Report DetailsThis aggregated table insight shows the expense report details, including: report number, report description, cost center description, natural account description, and total amount

Example: Employee Expenses Dashboard

Supplier Performance Dashboard

Early PaymentsThis KPI insight shows the dollar amount of early payments
Total OutstandingThis KPI insight shows the dollar amount of outstanding payments
OverdueThis KPI insight shows the dollar amount of overdue payments
% OverdueThis KPI insight shows the percent of supplier payments that are overdue
Discount OfferedThis KPI insight shows the dollar amount of payment discounts offered
Discount LostThis KPI insight shows the dollar amount of payment discounts lost
Spend by Top SuppliersThis aggregated table insight shows the spend by top suppliers, including total payment amount, payment percent of total payments, and payment amount with invoice
Invoice LeakageThis dual axis insight shows the payment amounts with a purchase order and invoice leakage by supplier
Outstanding Amount by SupplierThis stacked bar insight shows the payment amount remaining by supplier
Supplier Payment TrendThis dual x-axis insight shows a trend of the total payment amounts made by suppliers by month
Payment DetailsThis aggregated table insight shows the payment details, including: supplier name, period name, operating unit, invoice date, invoice number, invoice amount, payment amount, discount offered, discount taken, and amount remaining

Example: Supplier Performance Dashboard

AP Holds with PO Details Dashboard

Org Hold AmountThis donut invoice shows the total hold amount of an organization as a percent of total holds
Supplier Hold AmountThis treemap insight shows the total hold amount by supplier
Invoice DetailsThis aggregated table insight shows the expense report details, including: invoice organization name, invoice organization ID, supplier, supplier site name, invoice number, invoice line number, invoice date, approval status, invoice type, PO currency, invoice currency, invoice line type, invoice UOM, unit price, requestor, PO number, PO line number, line type description, PO unit price, PO line UOM, created by, quantity ordered, quantity billed, quantity received, invoice amount, invoice amount (USD), hold type, hold date, hold reason, hold status, and hold ID

Example: AP Holds with PO Details Dashboard

AP PO Details Dashboard

OU SummaryThis pie insight shows the invoice amount by operating unit as a percent of total invoice amount
Supplier SummaryThis treemap insight shows the invoice amount by supplier
DetailsThis aggregated table insight shows the PO details, including: supplier name, operating unit, invoice number, line number, PO number, month year, and amount

Example: AP PO Details Dashboard

View the Accounts Payable Data Application Schema Diagram with the Schema Diagram Viewer

Here are the steps to view the Accounts Payable data application schema diagram using the Schema Diagram Viewer:

  • Sign in to the Incorta Direct Data Platform.
  • In the Navigation bar, select Schema.
  • In the list of schemas, select the EBS_AP schema.
  • In the Schema Designer, in the Action bar, select Diagram.

EBS_AP Schema Diagram

Here is the EBS_AP schema diagram. This subset of the Accounts Payable data application schema diagram represents the relationships between the tables in the EBS_AP schema and is provided for brevity.

Additional Information

Aging Buckets

By default, the aging buckets are set up as 0-10, 11-20, 21-30, and >30 days. To change the aging bucket duration or add more buckets, the following formula columns for the aging buckets need to be modified in the AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL table in the EBS_AP schema:


The following formula is the default for AGE_BUCKET_DUE:

if(daysBetween(EBS_AP.AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL.DUE_DATE, $currentDate) <0,'OVERDUE', IF ( daysBetween (EBS_AP.AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL.DUE_DATE , $currentDate ) <=10, '0-10', IF(daysBetween(EBS_AP.AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL.DUE_DATE, $currentDate) <=20, '10-20', IF(daysBetween(EBS_AP.AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL.DUE_DATE, $currentDate) <=30,'20-30',' >30'))))

The following is an example formula for an additional 31 to 60-day bucket:

if(daysBetween(EBS_AP.AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL.DUE_DATE, $currentDate) <0,'OVERDUE', IF ( daysBetween (EBS_AP.AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL.DUE_DATE , $currentDate ) <=10, '0-10', IF(daysBetween(EBS_AP.AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL.DUE_DATE, $currentDate) <=20, '10-20', IF(daysBetween(EBS_AP.AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL.DUE_DATE, $currentDate) <=30,'20-30',IF(daysBetween(EBS_AP.AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_ALL.DUE_DATE, $currentDate) <=600,'30-60',' >60')))))

Accounts Payable Data Security (Optional)

By default, row-level data security is turned off. To turn on row-level data security based on the Oracle EBS ORG_ID security profile, which controls access to operating unit data, update the ORG_IDS session variable with the following SQL:

SELECT distinct fpov.profile_option_value org_id
FROM apps.hr_organization_units hou,
apps.fnd_profile_options_vl fpo,
apps.fnd_profile_option_values fpov,
apps.fnd_responsibility_vl frv,
apps.fnd_user_resp_groups furg,
apps.fnd_user fu
fpov.level_value = frv.responsibility_id
AND fpo.profile_option_id = fpov.profile_option_id
AND fpo.user_profile_option_name = 'MO: Operating Unit'
AND fpov.profile_option_id = fpo.profile_option_id
AND hou.organization_id = TO_NUMBER (fpov.profile_option_value)
AND frv.responsibility_id = furg.responsibility_id
AND furg.user_id = fu.user_id
AND UPPER(fu.user_name)=UPPER($USER)