Tools → Profile Manager

About the Profile Manager

The Profile Manager allows you to view and edit your profile. Through the Profile Manager, with the necessary access rights, you can control profile aspects such as group membership, security, and appearance preferences.

Profile Manager Permissions

All Incorta Analytics Service users can access the Profile Manager.

To open the Profile Manager, follow these steps:

  • On the right side of the Navigation bar, select the Profile icon to open the Profile menu.
  • In the Profile menu, select your username.

The Super User or a user with the SuperRole or User Manager role can access the Edit User drawer of other users from the Security Manager to manage their accounts.

Profile drawer

The Profile drawer consists of four tabs: General, Group Membership, Security, and Appearance. Use the drawer tabs to change your photo and password, set your language, location, time, security, and appearance preferences.

General tab

  • Select the General tab from the Edit User drawer.
  • To change your photo:
    • Select Upload.
    • Browse to the location of your photo (JPEG or PNG format).
    • Select Open. The photo will be updated.
    • To remove your photo, point to the photo, and select Remove file (trash can icon).
  • Change your display name and email, if needed.
  • Select your desired language from the Language drop down menu.
  • Select your country from the Region Format drop down menu.
  • Select your desired time zone and calendar.
  • Select Save.

Group Membership tab

All tenant users have access rights to view the Group Membership tab except the User Manager and SuperRole have edit access rights. Refer to Role Properties for more information.

  • Select the Group Membership tab from the Edit User drawer.
  • To add a group to a user’s group membership:
    • Select the Add to Group(s) (+ icon).
    • Select the desired group(s) to add the user to.
    • Select Add.
  • To remove a group from a user’s group membership:
    • Select the desired group(s), and select Delete (trash can icon).
    • Select Remove.

Security tab

  • Select the Security tab from the Edit User drawer.
  • To change your password:
    • Enter the current password in the Current Password field.
    • Enter the new password in the Password field.
    • Re-enter the new password in the Confirm Password field.
    • Select Change Password.

If you have access to the Public API, the API Tokens section will be available on the Security tab to create and manage personal access tokens that you need to use the public API endpoints. Use this section to create and manage personal access tokens.

  • To create a new API token, select Create Personal Access Token. You can maintain up to 10 access tokens.
  • To revoke an API token, select Revoke.

For more information, refer to the Public API v2 document.

Appearance tab

  • Select the Appearance tab from the Edit User drawer.
  • To enable dark mode, toggle on the Dark Theme switch.
  • To enable a visually reduced motion for interaction with chart legends, toggle on the Reduce Motion switch.

Edit User properties

You can access the detailed properties of an individual user by selecting them from the Users tab.

User general properties

Following are the user properties in the General section of the Edit User drawer:

Login NameimmutableThe user login name.
Profile Imagefile selectionUpload an image to use as the user profile image. The file type must be a JPEG or PNG, and the file size is limited to 2MB.
Display Nametext boxEnter the user’s display name.
Emailtext boxEnter the user email.
Languagedrop down menuSelect the user’s UI language. Supported languages are:
Arabic, Chinese(Simplified), English, French, German, Italian, and Japanese.
Region Formatdrop down menuSelect the user’s country/region, which determines, along with the language, the date and number formats for this user in Incorta.
Time Zonedrop down menuSelect the user’s GMT based time zone.
Calendardrop down menuSelect the calendar format for the user.

User group membership properties

Following are the user properties in the Group Membership section of the Edit User drawer:

NameThe group name
DescriptionThe description of the group

User security properties

Following are the user properties in the Security section of the Edit User drawer:

Authentication Typeoption buttonOnly visible to a Super User when editing the properties of another user. Set how the system authenticates the selected user. Available options are:
  ●  SSO
  ●  Incorta
Enable Public APItoggleOnly visible to a Super User when editing the properties of another user. Grant public API access for the selected user.
Current Passwordtext boxOnly available in the drawer of the logged-in user. Enter the current user password.
Passwordtext boxOnly available in the drawer of the logged-in user. Enter a new password.
Confirm Passwordtext boxOnly available in the drawer of the logged-in user. Confirm new password.
Reset PasswordbuttonOnly available to users with Security management privileges. An email will be sent to the user with a link to reset their password.
Login AsbuttonOnly available to a Super User when editing the properties of another user. Temporarily log in to Incorta as the selected user.
Delete UserbuttonOnly available to a Super User when editing the properties of another user. Delete the selected user.
Create Personal Access TokenbuttonOnly visible to a user that has API access enabled to generate API access tokens.
RevokelinkOnly visible to a user that has API access enabled to delete or cancel API access tokens.

User Appearance properties

The appearance properties section is only visible to the currently logged-in user.

Following are the user properties in the Appearance section of the Edit User drawer:

Dark ThemetoggleEnable Incorta dark mode.
Reduce MotiontoggleEnable a visually reduced motion for Interaction with chart legends.
Accessibility ModetoggleEnable the accessibility mode.