Tools → Model Update Viewer

About the Model Update Viewer

The Model Update Viewer shows the details of both the current model update and previous model updates for a selected physical schema in a given tenant. The model update can be for the whole physical schema or a specific entity object in it.

Model Update Viewer Access Rights

A user that belongs to a group with the Schema Manager or SuperRole role can access the Model Update Viewer for a physical schema that this user owns or has access rights to. A user that belongs to a group with the SuperRole role or Super User that is a Tenant Administrator can also access the Model Update Viewer for any physical schema in the tenant regardless of the access rights to the physical schemas in the case that the tenant configuration enables the Super User Mode.

Access the Model Update Viewer

There are three ways to access the Model Update Viewer:

  • In the Schema Manager, in the List View, for a schema with a Model Update Status other than N/A, select the Model Update Status link, for example:
    • Success
    • Finished with Errors
  • In the Schema Designer for a given schema, in the Summary section, in Model Update Status, select the link:
    • N/A
    • Model Update Status such as Success, or Finished with Errors

Model Update Viewer Anatomy

The Model Update Viewer includes the following:

  • Header bar
  • Updates section
    • Action bar
    • Updates list view
    • Page controls

Header bar

The Header bar shows the breadcrumbs trail for the Model Update Viewer as follows: schema_manager_link / physical_schema_link / current_physical_schema_model_update_viewer.

Updates section

The Updates section consists of the following:

  • Action bar
  • Update list view
  • Page controls

Action bar

The Action bar of the Updates section contains:

  • Down arrow to collapse.
  • Right arrow to expand the Updates list view in the case that you collapsed it.
  • The total number of model updates for the physical schema as a whole and/or for selected entity objects in it
  • Refresh (circle with arrow icon) to update the status or stage for the current or recent model update.

Updates list view

The Updates list view is a summarized table of all model updates for the selected physical schema. By default, updates are sorted by the Start Time in descending order: from the newest to the oldest. You can filter the model updates by status.

The following table shows the details that the Updates list view includes for each model update summary:

Service NameThe Loader Service related to the model update
UserThe name of the user that triggered the model update
Start TimeThe start date and time of the model updateUsed to sort the jobs list in descending order
End TimeThe end date and time of the model update
Model Update StatusThe status of the model update. The statuses are:
  • In Queue
  • Update
  • Post Update
  • Commit
  • Success
  • Finished With Errors
  • Failed
  • Sync
See below for model update status descriptions.
In the case of a running job, the Model Update Status column shows the current state or phase of the model update. The available states are
  • In Queue
  • Update
  • Post Update
  • Commit
When you hover over the Load Status, a tooltip appears to detail the durations of parallelized activities and states within a model update. A checkmark or a cross mark next to the state denotes if the activity completed successfully or failed, respectively.
DurationThe time taken to complete the model update, regardless of its final statusA given Loader Service executes many model update activities in parallel. As a result, the Update Status tooltip depicts activity durations that, when aggregated, are typically greater than the overall duration of the model update itself.
Model Update Status Descriptions
  • In Queue: The model update job is waiting for a lock on dependent schemas that may be used in another load or update job
  • Update: The new model is updating in memory
  • Post Update: New or modified joins, formulas and Incorta tables are calculated, and temporary snapshot files are written
  • Commit: The new model is committed to the database, and the temporary snapshot files are available for other nodes
  • Success: The model update completed successfully
  • Finished With Errors: The model update job finished with errors in updates of the model in memory or post calculation. This status applies if one or more nodes fails to sync.
  • Failed: The model update job stopped due to an error in Zookeeper and the new model cannot be saved to the database
  • Sync: The model update job is waiting for a sync on all nodes

If the current update job is still in queue because one or more load or update jobs are blocking it, the Model Update Status (In Queue) will be a link that opens a pop-up that shows a list of these blocking jobs. For more details, see View blocking jobs

Sync Status list view

The Sync Status list view shows the node and its sync status for the model update job you select:

Sync To ...The name of the node service to sync
Model Update StatusThe model update status. The possible values are:
  • Synced
  • Not Synced
  • Failed

Page controls

The Updates list view shows 20 jobs at a time. For lists with more than 20 jobs, the view contains page controls. The page controls allow you to navigate forward or backward as well as to the first page or to the last page of updates.

Model Update Viewer Actions

Using the Model Update Viewer, you can perform the following actions:

  • In the Header bar, in the breadcrumb trail, select Schema.
  • In the Header bar, in the breadcrumb trail, select the physical schema name.

Refresh the model update status

  • In the Action bar, select Refresh (circle with arrow icon).

Filter the Updates summary list by Model Update Status

  • In the Updates section, in the model updates summary list view, in the Model Update Status column header, select the filter icon (funnel icon).
  • In the dialog, select one or more statuses to show their related jobs.
  • Select OK.

Clear the Model Update Status filter

  • In the Updates section, in the model updates summary list view, in the Model Update Status column header, select the filter icon (funnel icon).
  • In the dialog, select Reset.

View the error details for a non-successful model update

  • In the Updates section, in the model updates summary list view, select the Finished With Errors or Failed link, as applicable.
  • The Update Job Errors dialog opens. You can expand or collapse the dialog by selecting the arrows in the upper right corner. Review the the following error details:
    • Schema
    • Start Time
    • Error messages categorized as Post Calculation, Model Update, and Severe.
  • Optionally, select Copy to Clipboard.
  • To close the dialog, select Ok or the X in the upper right corner.

View blocking jobs

When an update job or a load job is in the commit phase or the load and post-load phase, respectively, it blocks update and load jobs on dependent physical schemas. A dependent physical schema is one that has a cross join relationship with another physical schema. The blocked update jobs stay in the In Queue state till all blocking jobs are completed while the load jobs stay in the Load state.

As a schema manager user, you can view a list of jobs that block update jobs in the Schema Manager and the Model Update Viewer. This list shows the blocking physical schema, the type of the blocking job, load or update, and the current status of each blocking job. You can also access the details of the blocking job in the Load Job Details Viewer or the Model Update Viewer according to the type of the blocking job.

Here are the steps to view the list of blocking jobs of an update job in the Model Update Viewer:

  • In the Updates section, in the model updates summary list view, select the In Queue link. A pop-up dialog appears with a list of the blocking jobs.
  • To view the details of a blocking job, in the pop-up dialog, select See Job Details.