Tools → CMC Tenant Manager

Tenant Manager Overview

Tenant management is a very important task in Incorta, that is why Incorta has the Tenant Manager in the Cluster Management Console (CMC). In the CMC you can add, delete, back up, export, and import tenants from one cluster to another and from one environment to another using a .zip file.

Incorta added an extra security feature by adding a security password that you set during the export tenant process. With this security password, Incorta enables you to protect your data source(s) credentials that exist in a tenant.


Not setting a security password will require re-entering the credentials for all data sources that exist in a tenant

A .zip file of an exported tenant includes all tenant's data, such as the following:

  • Data sources
  • Schemas
  • Scheduled Jobs
  • Dashboards

Incorta Cloud is only allowing a single tenant per cluster. For the already existing multi-tenant clusters, you can refer to Tenant Manager Actions to move each tenant to a separate cluster.

Tenant Manager Access Rights

Only a CMC administrator can access the Tenant Manager in a cluster. To access the Tenant Manager, sign in to the CMC, select the Clusters tab, select a cluster name, and then select the Tenants tab.

Tenant Manager Anatomy

The Tenant Manager consists of the following:

Action Bar

The Action bar contains the following action buttons:

  • Add Tenant button (+ icon), which has three options, Create Tenant, Import Tenant, and Restore Tenant
  • Enable button (play icon), which is always disabled unless you select one or multiple tenants from the list view
  • Disable button (X icon), which is always enabled unless you select one or multiple tenants from the list view
  • Delete button (trash bin icon), which is always disabled unless you select one or multiple tenants from the list view

List View

By default, the list view displays all of the tenants available in a certain cluster. When the number of tenants exceeds 20, pagination controls are displayed below the list view.

The list view consists of the following properties:

Select Allcheck boxA header control to select all tenants in the list.
NamelinkThe name of the tenant. The tenant name is a clickable link that opens the URL to the tenant sign-in page only if it is enabled. If the tenant is disabled, the name is only a text.
StatustextThe status of the tenant, whether it is enabled or disabled.
Action ResultstextErrors that can result from trying to delete, enable, or disable a tenant.
ConfigurationslinkA Configure link that redirects to the tenant configurations page. For more information, refer to Guides → Configure Tenants.
LogslinkA Show Logs link that redirects to the Logs listing page filtered for this tenant.
More Options (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon)buttonA button that opens the More Options menu and has the following:

  ●  Export
  ●  Backup now
  ●  Restore and overwrite
  ●  Execute inspector now
Page Numberlink/buttonsA numbered list of pages that exists with next and previous buttons.

Tenant Manager Actions

Using the Tenant Manager, you can perform the following actions:

Create a tenant

To start creating a tenant through the CMC, you need to apply the following steps:

  • Sign in to the CMC, select the Clusters tab, and then select a cluster name.
  • In the Action bar, select the Add Tenant button, and then select Create Tenant.
  • In the Add a tenant to the cluster wizard, start entering the tenant information in Tenant:
    • Enter a name and check if it is valid to use
    • Enter the username, password, and email of the tenant administrator account
    • Choose if you need to include sample data.
  • Select Create.

Export a tenant

To export a tenant through the CMC, you need to apply the following steps:

  • Sign in to the CMC.
  • Select the Clusters tab from the navigation bar, select a cluster name, and then select the Tenants tab.
  • For a tenant, select the More Options menu (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon), and then select Export.
  • In the Export Tenant dialog, you can export your tenant with or without setting a security password:
If you want to…Do the following:
Export tenant with a security password (Recommended)
  ●  Enter a security password in the Set Security Password field
  ●  The password must contain at least five characters and no more than 30 characters.
  ●  Select Export
Note: Setting a security password enables you to export your data source(s) credentials
Export tenant without a security password (Not recommended)
  ●  Select Export without sensitive data
Note: Not setting a security password will not export the data source(s) credentials, resulting in having to re-enter all of the data source(s) credentials.
  • The tenant is exported to a .zip file and downloaded to your local machine.

If needed, communicate the security password you have set in a secure way to the user who will import the tenant file.

Import a tenant

Incorta enables you to import a tenant through the Import tenant wizard. To be able to import a tenant, you should apply the following steps:

  • After signing in to the CMC, navigate to the Clusters tab.
  • Select a cluster name.
  • From the Action bar, select the Add Tenant (+) button.
  • Select Import Tenant.
  • In the Import a tenant to the cluster wizard, in Import Files, browse to or drag and drop the .zip file.
  • Select Next.
  • In Tenant, enter the following tenant’s information:
    • Name
    • Username
    • Password
    • Email
    • Select whether or not to pause scheduled jobs

Starting the 2024.1.x releases, you can select which scheduled jobs to pause from the available options (Load Plans, Dashboards, and Data Notifications).

  • In Finish, do one of the following
If you want toDo the following
Import tenant with sensitive data (Default)
  ●  Select Import Sensitive Data.
  ●  Enter the tenant’s security password communicated with you.
  ●  Select Finalize.
Note: Choosing to import the sensitive data will enable you to import the data sources credentials
Import tenant without sensitive data
  ●  Select Skip Sensitive Data.
  ●  Select Finalize.
Note: Choosing to skip sensitive data will require you to re-enter all data source(s) credentials

The CMC will start to import the tenant into your cluster. Importing a tenant without sensitive data is not recommended.

Backup a tenant

The CMC enables you to backup a certain tenant within a cluster. Backing up a tenant stores the tenant version and the date and time it was backed up in. You can back up a single tenant more than once.

Use the following steps to back up a tenant:

  • Sign in to the CMC.
  • In Clusters, select a cluster name, and then select the Tenants tab.
  • For a tenant, select the More Options menu (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon), and then select Backup now.

You can schedule a backup job for a tenant through the CMC Scheduler.

Restore a tenant

If you have a tenant backed up and you need to restore it, the CMC enables you to restore it through the Restore a tenant to the cluster wizard. Use the following steps to restore a tenant:

  • Sign in to the CMC.
  • In the Clusters tab, select a cluster name, and then select the Tenants tab.
  • From the Action bar, select the Add Tenant (+) button.
  • Select Restore Tenant.
  • In Backups, select the following:
    • The backed up tenant in the Tenant Name field.
    • The date it was backed up in the Backup date field.
  • Select Next.
  • In Tenant, review the tenant’s information, and update it if needed.
  • Select Create.

You can select the Back button to return to Backups to select a different backup.

Restore and overwrite a tenant

You can choose to restore a backup tenant and overwrite an existing version of the same tenant. To do that you must have a tenant backed up first using the steps mentioned in the Backup a tenant section.

Use the following steps to restore and overwrite an existing tenant:

  • From the Tenant Manager, select the More Options menu (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) for the tenant you want to overwrite, and then select Restore and overwrite.
  • In the Choose a backup dialog, select a backup date.
  • Select whether or not to backup the tenant before overwriting it.
  • Select the Restore and overwrite button.

Execute the Inspector Tool

Through the Tenant Manager, you can run the Inspector Tool to check the lineage references of Incorta metadata objects including tables, schemas, business schemas, business schema views, dashboards, and session variables. It also checks for inconsistencies and validation errors in joins, tables, views, formulas, and dashboards. For more information, refer to Tools → Inspector Tool

Use the following steps to execute the Inspector Tool for a certain tenant:

  • From the Tenant Manager, select the More Options menu (⋮ vertical ellipsis icon) for a tenant, and then select Execute inspector now.
  • Confirmation messages will be displayed when the Inspector Tool starts running and when it finishes.

Configure a tenant

You can configure your tenant through the Tenant Manager. Simply select the Configure link for the desired tenant in the list view. For more information about the available configurations, refer to Guides → Configure Tenants.

Show logs for a tenant

You can also view the logs for a certain tenant using the Show Logs in the list view beside eside each tenant. For more information about the kind of logs that the CMC provides, refer to Tools → CMC Logs Manager.

Disable a tenant

In case you have one or multiple tenants that are no longer needed, or you need to temporarily put them on hold, you can always disable them.

Use the following steps to disable one or multiple tenants:

  • From the Tenant Manager, in the list view, select the tenant(s).
  • From the action bar, select the Disable (X) button.

In the list view, the disabled tenant’s name becomes disabled and not clickable as a link.

Enable a tenant

In case you have one or multiple disabled tenants and you need to enable them again, apply the following steps:

  • From the Tenant Manager, in the list view, select the disabled tenant(s).
  • From the action bar, select the Enable (play icon) button.

The name of the enabled tenant changes to be a clickable link so you can open and sign in to it.

Delete a tenant

You can always delete one or multiple existing tenants using the following steps:

  • From the Tenant Manager, in the list view, select one or multiple tenants.
  • From the action bar, select the Delete (trash icon) button.