Public API v2 → Schedule Dashboard Report Endpoint

About the /dashboards/{dashboardGuid}/send-report endpoint

The /dashboards/{dashboardGuid}/send-report endpoint creates and triggers a scheduler job for sending a dashboard report. Only the dashboard owner or a user with access rights to it can use the /dashboards/{dashboardGuid}/send-report endpoint to send the dashboard report.

For information about how to get started with Public API v2, refer to References → Public API v2.


Use the HTTPS or HTTP scheme according to your installation. You must use the HTTPS scheme to successfully run the API endpoints on Cloud installations.


The Cluster Management Console (CMC) admin must define the email settings in the tenant configurations to allow the job to send the report.

Request URL


Request URL Parameters

Field nameDescriptionTypeRequired
tenantNameThe tenant name (case-sensitive)StringRequired
dashboardGuidThe GUID of the dashboard you want to send.
Example: 79abe0db-67y6-4830-a9a7-2099x24b6541
Note: You can find this GUID either in the metadata database or the address bar when you open the dashboard.

HTTP method


Request headers

"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer {access_token}"

You must use a valid access token of the dashboard owner or a user with access rights to it.

For information about how to create an access token, refer to Public API v2 → Create an API access token.

Request body

"toExternalEmails": ["string"],
"toUsersNames": ["string"],
"toGroupNames": ["string"],
"bccExternalEmails": ["string"],
"bccUsersNames": ["string"],
"bccGroupsNames": ["string"],
"ccExternalEmails": ["string"],
"ccUsersNames": ["string"],
"ccGroupsNames": ["string"],
"subject": "string",
"body": "string",
"hideTemplate": boolean,
"useHTMLBody": boolean,
"appendTimestamp": boolean,
"bursting": boolean,
"outputFormat": "string"

Request body parameters

The following table describes the request body parameters in the /dashboards/{dashboardGuid}/send-report endpoint.

outputFormatStringThe format of the dashboard report you want to sendRequired
  ●  html
  ●  csv
  ●  pdf
  ●  xlsx
Example: "pdf"
toExternalEmailsArray of string valuesList of external emails that will receive the scheduled dashboard reportOptionalValid email addresses separated by commas.
Example: ["", ""]
toUsersNamesArray of string valuesList of users that will receive the scheduled dashboard reportOptionalUser names, as defined in Incorta, separated by commas.
Example: ["user1", "user2"]
toGroupNamesArray of string valuesList of groups that will receive the scheduled dashboard reportOptionalGroup names, as defined in Incorta, separated by commas.
Example: ["HrGroup", "Analyzers"]
bccExternalEmailsArray of string valuesList of external emails that will receive the scheduled dashboard report as a blind carbon copyOptional
bccUsersNamesArray of string valuesList of users that will receive the scheduled dashboard report as a blind carbon copyOptional
bccGroupsNamesArray of string valuesList of groups that will receive the scheduled dashboard report as a blind carbon copyOptional
ccExternalEmailsArray of string valuesList of external emails (external recipients) that will receive the scheduled dashboard report as a carbon copyOptional
ccUsersNamesArray of string valuesList of users that will receive the scheduled dashboard report as a carbon copyOptional
ccGroupsNamesArray of string valuesList of groups that will receive the scheduled dashboard report as a carbon copyOptional
bursting*BooleanSpecify if you want to enable the bursting option to send the dashboard according to the security context of the recipientOptional
  ●  true
  ●  false (default)
appendTimestampBooleanSpecify if you want to append the time of sending the report to the file nameOptional
  ●  true (default)
  ●  false
useHTMLBodyBooleanSpecify if you want to use HTML email body instead of plain text.
You must use inline CSS styles only. Write the email body in the form of <div> content </div>
  ●  true
  ●  false (default)
hideTemplateBooleanSpecify if you want to hide the default emailOptional
  ●  true
  ●  false (default)
bodyStringThe body of the sent mailOptional
subjectStringThe subject of the sent mailOptional
*Bursting reports

You can’t send a bursting dashboard report to external recipients or to internal recipients as a carbon copy (CC) or a blind carbon copy (BCC). Therefore, if you set the bursting option to true, don’t add any value to the CC or BCC parameters, such as ccGroupsNames, or the external recipients.

Request body example

"toExternalEmails": [""],
"toUsersNames": ["user1", "user2"],
"toGroupNames": ["finance", "sales"],
"bccExternalEmails": [""],
"bccUsersNames": [""],
"bccGroupsNames": [""],
"ccExternalEmails": [""],
"ccUsersNames": [""],
"ccGroupsNames": [""],
"subject": "Q1 Revenue Report ",
"body": "<div>Hello, <br />Kindly check the <b>Q1 revenue report</b>. <br /> Thanks,</div>",
"hideTemplate": false,
"useHTMLBody": true,
"appendTimestamp": true,
"bursting": false,
"outputFormat": "pdf"

Endpoint response

The following table shows the HTTP response status codes for this endpoint.

CodeDescriptionPayload Response
The endpoint created the scheduled job to send the dashboard report
The response contains the ID and name of the created job. {"jobId": 0,"jobName": "string"}
Example: {"jobId": 924, "jobName": "Public API triggered Job_16722303645"}
400Bad Request
You set the bursting property to true while adding values to the external recipients or CC groups.
{"message": "string"}
Example: {"message": "INC_05070000: Only toUsersNames and toGroupsNames are allowed as bursting reports recipients."}
The tenant name doesn’t match the tenant in the access token.
{"message": "string"}
422Unprocessable Entity
You provided invalid values, such as invalid email addresses or output format.
{"message": "string"}
Example {"errorMessages":[{"message": "INC_01210000: bccExternalEmails Following emails are invalid: abc@"},{"message": "INC_01210000: outputFormat must match \"html\|csv\|pdf\|xlsx\""}]}
The endpoint couldn’t create the scheduled job due to authentication errors, such as an invalid or expired access token, or you don’t have access rights to the dashboard.
{"message": "string"}
Example {"INC_02010000: You are not authorized to VIEW the Demo DASHBOARD of ID [758]."}
404Not Found
  ●  The endpoint couldn’t find the dashboard you provided its GUID.
  ●  The tenant doesn't exist or is disabled.
{"message": "string"}
Example: {"message": "INC_05111201: The [ab642c0-c086-4xa9-9fb9-d4c75e4613c7] DASHBOARD cannot be found."}
500Internal Server Error
The endpoint couldn’t create the scheduled job due to a server error.
{"message": "string"}