Public API v2 → Search Catalog

About the /catalog/search endpoint

The /catalog/search endpoint searches for dashboards and folders that a user owns or has access to in the Content Manager (Catalog) and its subfolders by a defined keyword.

For information about how to get started with Public API v2, refer to References → Public API v2.


Use the HTTPS or HTTP scheme according to your installation. You must use the HTTPS scheme to successfully run the API endpoints on Cloud installations.

Request URL




Request URL Parameters

tenantNameStringThe tenant name (case-sensitive)Required
typeStringSpecify the type of entities you search for.
Valid values are:
  ●  ALL (default)
If not defined, the endpoint returns matching dashboards and folders.
keywordStringSpecify the keyword (not case-sensitive) to search dashboard and folders names by
The endpoint does not account for wildcard characters. Therefore, if you use a wildcard character, such as %, as a keyword, the endpoint returns folders and dashboards whose names contain the specified character.
limitIntegerThe maximum number of items to return, accounting for the offset you define.
A valid value is any number between 1 and 2147483647 (the maximum value of an integer). The default value is 200.
offsetIntegerThe number of items to skip from the matching items’ sorted list.
A valid value is any number between 0 and 2147483647 (the maximum value of an integer). The default is 0.

HTTP method


Request headers

"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Bearer {access_token}"

You must use a valid access token of a tenant user. For information about how to create an access token, refer to Public API v2 → Create an API access token.

Endpoint response

The following table shows the HTTP response status codes for this endpoint.

CodeDescriptionPayload Response
The endpoint successfully ran and returned the items that match the specified keyword and are owned or accessible by the user that owns the access token.
{"resultCount": 0, "results": […]}
For more details, see Response parameters.
400Bad Request
You provided invalid values.
{"message": "string"}
{"Parameter 'limit' parsing failed, Error: NumberFormatException, Message: For input string: \"333333333333\""}
The endpoint couldn’t return the user’s folders and dashboards due to authentication errors, such as an invalid or expired access token.
{"message": "string"}
{"message": "INC_09030108: Invalid authentication header. Invalid Token [abcd1234]"
404Not Found
The tenant doesn't exist or is disabled.
{"message": "string"}
{"message": "Invalid [DEFAULT] tenant in resource path"}
500Internal Server Error
The endpoint couldn’t return the result list due to a server error.
{"message": "string"}

Response parameters

The following are the parameters in the /catalog/search endpoint response when the endpoint returns the dashboards and folders list and details successfully (code 200).

"resultCount": 0,
"results": [
"identifier": "string",
"name": "string",
"ownerName": "string",
"path": "string",
"type": "string"

The following table describes these response parameters.

resultCountIntegerThe total number of items that the endpoint has returned.
resultsArray of objectsThe matching items, whether folders or dashboards, and the details of each item
results > identifierStringThe folder’s ID or the dashboard’s GUID
results > nameStringThe item name
results > ownerNameStringThe name of the item’s owner
results > pathStringThe path of the item. The root directory is MYINCORTA.
results > typeStringThe item type: folder or dashboard

If any of the returned string fields, such as the dashboard name, contains a backslash \, the returned value will contain an additional backslash symbol. For example, a dashboard with the name My\Dashboard will be returned as My\\Dashboard.

Response example

"resultCount": 2,
"results": [
"identifier": "4b7xcd90-23av-4add-922b-040ads4e00e ",
"name": "CTO Demo",
"ownerName": "System Administrator",
"path": "MYINCORTA/Demos/CTO Demo",
"type": "DASHBOARD"
"identifier": "205",
"name": "Demos",
"ownerName": " System Administrator ",
"path": "MYINCORTA/Demos",
"type": "FOLDER"