References → Filter Recipe

The filter recipe is a tool focused on keeping data where the configuration of the recipe is true. Use this recipe to remove rows from your working data set or split it into another flow based on one or multiple conditions.


Recipe NameA freeform name of how a user would like to name a recipe
InputSelect a previously constructed recipe to process
Advanced ModeEnter custom pySpark logic. Selecting this mode will remove the below configuration options.
Keep Only Rows That SatisfySelect between the two choices:
At least one of the following conditions
  ●  If any of the conditions are evaluated as true, then keep the row. This functions as an OR condition.
All of the following conditions
  ●  All conditions must be evaluated as true, to keep a row. This functions as an AND condition.
ConditionsSelect a field to evaluate, a condition, and a value if applicable.


Below is a table of operators and a description of the intended result when a condition is evaluated as true.

OperatorCompatible Data TypesDescription
Is NullDate, Measure, StringReturns null values
Is Not NullDate, Measure, StringReturns non-null values
Is EmptyStringReturns blank strings
Is Not EmptyStringReturns strings that are not blank
Sames AsDate, MeasureEquivalent to 'equals’, but the value must be defined as another column
Different FromDate, MeasureEquivalent to 'does not equal’ the value must be defined as another column
EqualDate, StringReturns matching values (not case-sensitive)
Equal Case-sensitiveStringReturns matching values (case-sensitive)
ContainsStringReturns strings where specified characters are found
Does Not ContainStringReturns values were specified characters are not found
InStringReturns values where value matched to values in a list
Not inStringReturns values where matched to values not in a list
Not EqualStringReturns rows where operand value is not matched
BeforeDateReturns dates before the specified operand value
AfterDateReturns dates after the specified operand value
BetweenDateReturns dates between the specified operand values
==MeasureEquivalent to 'equal'
!=MeasureEquivalent to 'does not equal'
>MeasureReturns rows with a value greater than the operand value
>=MeasureReturns rows with a value equal to or greater than the operand value
<MeasureReturns rows with a value less than the operand value
<=MeasureReturns rows with a value equal to or less than the operand value
== (Column)MeasureSame as ‘==’, but a column is selected as the operand.
> (Column)MeasureSame as ‘>’, but a column is selected as the operand.
>= (Column)MeasureSame as ‘>=’, but a column is selected as the operand.
< (Column)MeasureSame as ‘<’, but a column is selected as the operand.
<= ColumnMeasureSame as ‘<=’, but a column is selected as the operand.