References → Engine Audit


In releases before 2024.7.x, the Engine audit files track essential information only, including the tenant, the logged-in user, and actions performed, such as viewing or analyzing insights, applying filters, or downloading a dashboard. These details are saved on CSV files in the following location: /home/incorta/IncortaAnalytics/Tenants/<tenantName>/data/audit.

In 2024.7.x, Incorta has introduced a new enhanced version of the audit files. These files capture detailed tracking information, including the request source, service, off-heap memory used for processing the request, and task state time. The new files are saved under the /home/incorta/IncortaAnalytics/Tenants/<tenantName>/engine_audit.2.0 folder.

After upgrading to 2024.7.x, Incorta records user activities in both files by default. However, you can specify one type of them to use. In the Cluster Management Console (CMC) > Clusters > your_cluster > Server Configurations > Analytics Workload Management, for the Analytics Auditing option, specify if you want to log activities in the Standard audit files, the Enhanced ones, or Both.

  • To start logging user actions in the audit files, Incorta requires at least one of the actions it tracks, such as opening a dashboard or downloading an insight, to be executed manually or via a scheduled job.
  • You can create schemas on top of these files and build dashboards to analyze the recorded details.

Standard Audit files

User activities recorded in the Standard audit files include:

  • Insight actions, such as analyzing or viewing an insight
  • Variable evaluation
  • Applying filters
  • Downloading insights or dashboards

Columns available on these files include the following:

  • Dashboard GUID
  • Date
  • Timestamp
  • Tenant
  • User
  • Command
  • Elapsed Time

Enhanced Audit files

Folder structure

The engine_audit.2.0 folder contains four sub-folders as follows:

  • action: Files in this folder include a row for each HTTP request or Scheduler job.
  • action_details: Files in this folder include the action state updates: one row per update.
  • tasks: Files in this folder include a list of tasks included in an action: one row per task. For example, downloading a dashboard tab may contain 10 queries (insights), representing 10 tasks.
  • tasks_details: Files in this folder include the task state updates: one row per update.

The following section describes the columns in each file type.


action_idThe action ID
user_nameThe name of the user who triggered the action
tenant_idThe tenant ID
sourceThe action source:
  ●  SQI_X
  ●  UNDEFINED (Includes Public API, SQLi, and variable evaluation requests)
formatThe requested action format:
  ●  JSON
  ●  CSV
  ●  XLSX
isSampledA boolean represented in 1 and 0 options
modeThe requested mode from the action:
  ●  VIEW
dashboard_idThe ID of the dashboard the action is related to. For some actions, such as Analyzer queries, this value is null.
dashboard_nameThe dashboard name
insight_idThe ID of the insight related to the action. For some actions, such as Analyzer queries and searches, this value is null.
start_timeThe action start time
end_timeThe action end time
tasks_countThe number of tasks included in this action
termination_stateThe action termination state:
  ●  DONE
service_nameThe name of the service that executed the action

Action details

parent_idThe parent action ID
stateThe action state:
  ●  DONE
start_timeThe state start time
durationThe state duration in Milliseconds


action_idThe parent action ID
task_idThe task ID
insight_idThe ID of the insight related to the action. For some actions, such as Analyzer queries and searches, this value is null.
insight_nameThe insight name
task_typeThe task type:
  ●  QUERY
thread_idThe ID of the thread assigned to execute this task
start_timeThe task start time
end_timeThe task end time
termination_stateThe task terminal state:
  ●  DONE

Tasks details

action_idThe parent action ID
parent_idThe parent task ID
stateThe task state, for example:
state_suffixAn identifier for the state if it is repeated in the same task
start_timeThe state start time
durationThe state duration in milliseconds
off_heap_usage_bytesThe off-heap memory used while executing the task (Doesn’t include the memory used for loading the columns)