Guides → Auth0 SSO Configuration
Auth0 is a flexible, drop-in solution to add authentication and authorization services to your applications. You can configure Incorta to use Auth0 using the following steps:
- Open the CMC and login.
- Select Clusters > cluster_name > Tenants > tenant_name.
- Select Configure
- Select panel, choose Security
- Configure the following properties to start using your SSO:
Property | Description |
Authentication Type | Select the authentication type to be SSO. |
Provider Type | Select the SSO provider you are going to be Auth0 |
Provider configurations | Enter the properties or XML configurations for the Auth0 SSO. |
Sample XML Configurations<cloud_cluster_name>!demo/callbackembdeddedURL=https://<cloud_cluster_name>!demo/embeddedclaimName=http://<your_web_email_domain>audience=https://<cloud_cluster_name>!demologoutReturnToURL=https:/<cloud_cluster_name>!demo