Tools → CMC Monitor

CMC Monitor Overview

The Cluster Management Console (CMC) Monitor enables you to view utilization graphs and insights per cluster, such as virtual memory usage, queued or running jobs, and so on. The monitoring tool enables you to filter the insights you need to view for nodes, infrastructure, and tenants in this cluster.

CMC Monitoring Access Rights

Only a CMC administrator can view the utilization by selecting the Monitoring tab in the navigation bar of the CMC.

CMC Monitoring Anatomy

The CMC Monitoring consists of the following:

The search bar consists of the following that you can use to filter the displayed utilization insights:

Timezonedrop down listSelect the appropriate time zone for either the client or the server. The default time zone is the client’s time zone. If the server and client time zones are the same, the label will be Server/Client Timezone.
DatecalendarSpecify a start and end date, with a maximum range of five days.
The default date range is the last five days including the current day.
Cluster Namedrop down listSelect a cluster name. The default value is the first cluster.

Context Bar

The context bar consists of three tabs:

  • Nodes tab, which contains all nodes and services related monitored data
  • Infrastructure tab, which contains all infrastructure related monitored data, such as metadata database, Zookeeper, Spark, and Notebook data
  • Tenants tab, which contains all tenant(s) related monitored data
  • Range Selector, which specifies the time or date intervals of data to show in the monitored graphs. It can be one of the following values:
    • One hour
    • Three hours (default)
    • Five hours
    • Custom (maximum five days interval)
  • Reload, which reloads the monitored data to get the latest

Dashboard view

The dashboard view for each of the available tabs differs from one tab to another. Each view contains different insights for the data monitored, and each insight has a legend that is clickable to hide or show the corresponding data.

Nodes dashboard

The Nodes tab contains a collapsible panel for each node in a cluster, and each panel contains a collapsible panel for each of the contained services.

Each node collapsible panel contains:

  • Diskspace %, which tracks the percentage of the consumed machine disk space
  • CPU Usage, which tracks the consumed CPU usage in your machine by the nodes
  • Ram Usage %, which tracks the RAM usage of the machine memory and service status change events

Each service collapsible panel contain the following:

  • Service Status, which tracks the loader or analytics service status over time
  • Virtual Memory, which tracks the on-heap or off-heap memory, display load jobs, and dashboard rendering and service status updates
  • CPU Usage, which tracks the consumed CPU usage in your machine by the analytics and loader services
  • Real Memory %, which tracks the percentage of the real memory consumed

Infrastructure dashboard

The Infrastructure tab contains the following utilization insights:

  • Metadata Database Status (Connected/Unreachable)
  • Zookeeper Status (Connected/Unreachable)
  • Spark Status (Connected/Unreachable)
  • Notebook Status (Connected/Unreachable)

Tenants dashboard

The Tenants tab contains a collapsible panel for each tenant in a cluster, and each panel contains the following data utilization insights:

  • Shared Directory Disk Space, which tracks the real total and consumed disk space of the tenant shared directory
  • Queued Load Jobs, which tracks the number of queued jobs
  • Running Load Jobs, which tracks the number of running jobs

    Jobs queued or running for less than five minutes might not be captured in the dashboard since the heartbeat period in the CMC is five minutes.

CMC Monitor Actions

For all of the available graphs that have a legend and when selecting a legend label, the graph is filtered to view only the data related to the selected legend.

Upon hovering on any point of the graph, the point shows a specific job that happened during that time along with its details.

Using the CMC Monitor, you can also perform the following actions:

Filter data

In any of the tabs, you can filter the monitored data displayed in the insights using one or all of the filtration options in the Search bar.

  • Select a timezone for the server or the client

  • Select a date range.


    The date range cannot be more than the last five days prior to the current date.

  • Choose a cluster.
  • Upon selecting any of the filtration, the insight refreshes to reflect the filtration results.

Reload data

You can reload the latest monitored data using the Reload button in the Search bar.

Adjust Range Selector

You can also focus on the monitored data for a certain duration using the range selector. The range selector affects all insights in the Tenants and Nodes tabs:

  • Select the 1h button to show the monitored data for the last hour
  • Select the 3h button to show the monitored data for the last three hours (Selected by default)
  • Select the 5h button to show the monitored data for the last five hours
  • Select the Custom to select a date range within the last five days

The range selector does not affect the Infrastructure tab.

Insight actions

When you hover on a utilization graph, the details for a data point in the insight show up.

The details differ from one insight to the other. Below is a table that illustrates what details are shown.

Tab nameChart NameDetails
  ●  Consumed disk space percentage
CPU Usage
  ●  Consumed CPU %
  ●  Events
  ●  Service Status Change
  ●  Date
Ram Usage
  ●  Machine Memory %, which shows the total memory consumed at a certain point of time
  ●  Events, which show service status change at a certain point of time
ServicesService StatusService status, which can be one of the following values:
  ●  Started
  ●  Stopped
  ●  Starting
  ●  Date
Virtual MemoryFor the heap memory lines:
  ●  On-heap percentage
  ●  Active off-heap percentage
  ●  Pooled off-heap percentage
  ●  Date
Real Memory %For Real Memory, the details are:
  ●  The percentage consumed at this point
CPU Usage %The percentage of the CPU usage for a node service
InfrastructureMetadata Database
  ●  Connected
  ●  Unreachable
  ●   Date
  ●  Connected
  ●  Unreachable
  ●   Date
  ●  Connected
  ●  Unreachable
  ●   Date
  ●  Connected
  ●  Unreachable
  ●   Date
TenantsShared Directory Diskspace
  ●  Consumed disk space percentage
  ●   Date
Queued Load Jobs
  ●  Number of queued jobs
  ●   Date
Running Load Jobs
  ●  Number of running jobs
  ●   Date