Guides → Configure a Tenant on ADLS Gen2

You can configure an Incorta Tenant on Azure Data Lake Storage (ADLS) Gen2, using it as a file system to save files, including Parquet and snapshot files. Here are the steps:

Create a core-site.xml file

Create a file and name it core-site.xml. You will need to add your ADLS Gen2 credentials to the file. The following is the content of the core-site.xml file:

<!-- other configuration -->
<!-- other configuration -->

Replace $$TENANT_ID$$, $$CLIENT_ID$$ and $$CLIENT_SECRET$$ with your ADLS Gen2 credentials. You can get these from the Azure web console.

Encrypt credentials (optional)

Credentials can be entered in plain text or encrypted. To encrypt credentials, with the Hadoop command line interface (CLI), you will generate the credentials as follows:

cd <INCORTA_INSTALLATION_PATH>/IncortaNode/hadoop/bin
./hadoop credential create -value <client_id> -provider jceks://file/<KEY_STORE_PATH>.jceks
./hadoop credential create -value <client_secret> -provider jceks://file/<KEY_STORE_PATH>.jceks
./hadoop credential create -value <endpoint> -provider jceks://file/<KEY_STORE_PATH>.jceks

Edit the core-site.xml file as follows:

<description>Path to interrogate for protected credentials.</description>

Run the update core site script

  • Place the core-site.xml under cmc/bin and IncortaNode/bin.
  • Run the following locations script files, using the python command (for example, python3
    • <INCORTA_HOME>/cmc/bin/
    • <INCORTA_HOME>/IncortaNode/bin/

The core-site.xml file is automatically copied to the following locations:

  • Under IncortaNode:

    • INCORTA_HOME/IncortaNode/spark/conf/
    • INCORTA_HOME/IncortaNode/runtime/lib/
    • INCORTA_HOME/IncortaNode/runtime/webapps/incorta/WEB-INF/lib/
    • INCORTA_HOME/IncortaNode/sqli/runtime/lib/
  • Under cmc:

    • INCORTA_HOME/cmc/lib/
    • INCORTA_HOME/cmc/tmt/lib/
    • INCORTA_HOME/cmc/inspector/

Declare an environment variable on your Incorta host

On the host running your Incorta nodes, declare the following environment variable in~/.bash_profileor ~/.bashrc:


Create an ADLS Gen2 Tenant in the CMC

Following are the steps to create an ADLS Tenant in the CMC:

  • Sign in to the CMC.

  • In the Navigation bar, select Clusters.

  • In the cluster list, select a Cluster name.

  • In the canvas tabs, select Tenants.

  • Select +Create Tenant.

    • Enter a Tenant Name, Username, Password, and Email.

    • Enter the Shared Storage Path. For ADLS Gen2, the path will be:


You will need to have read/write permission to the ADLS Gen2 path.

Whitelist the ADLS Gen2 endpoints

Whitelist the following ADLS Gen2 endpoints to ensure they are accessible:



Verify the Wildfly JAR version

In certain operating systems, the files wildfly-openssl-1.0.4.Final.jar and wildfly-openssl-1.0.7.Final.jar both exist under the following path: <INCORTA_INSTALLATION_PATH>/IncortaNode/hadoop/share/hadoop/tools/lib/

In this situation, you will need to remove wildfly-openssl-1.0.4.Final.jar so that only wildfly-openssl-1.0.7.Final.jar exists. You can backup wildfly-openssl-1.0.4.Final.jar to a different directory as needed.


You will need to restart Spark, the CMC, and the Analytics and Loader services after you rename wildfly-openssl-1.0.4.Final.jar.