Public API v2 → List Schemas
About the /schema/list endpoint
The /schema/list endpoint lists physical schemas, business schemas, or all schemas that a user owns or has access rights to.
Only users who have permission to access physical schemas or business schemas can use the /schema/list endpoint to list the schemas they have access rights to.
For information about how to get started with Public API v2, refer to References → Public API v2.
You must use the HTTPS
scheme to be able to successfully run the API endpoints. Additionally, you must specify the tenant name (case-sensitive) in the endpoint request URL starting with the 2023.7.0 release.
Request URL
Request URL Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Required |
tenantName | String | The tenant name (case-sensitive) | Required starting with 2023.7.0 |
schemaType | String | Specify the type of the schemas you want to list. Valid values are: ● ALL ● BUSINESS (default) ● PHYSICAL If not defined, only business schemas are listed. | Optional |
HTTP method
Request headers
{"Content-Type": "application/json","Accept": "application/json","Authorization": "Bearer {access_token}"}
You must use a valid access token of a tenant user. For information about how to create an access token, refer to Public API v2 → Create an API access token.
Request body
{"limit": number,"offset": number,"sortBy": "string"}
Request body parameters
The following table describes the request body parameters in the /schema/list endpoint.
Parameter | Type | Description | Required? | Values |
limit | Integer | The maximum number of schemas to return, accounting for the offset you define. This simulates the pagination of lists in the application. | Required | Between 0 and 200. A value of 0 means all schemas if their number is less than or equal to 200, otherwise, the endpoint returns only 200 schemas. |
offset | Integer | The number of schemas to skip before returning the schemas defined in the limit parameter | Required | Between 0 and 2147483647 (the maximum value of an integer) |
sortBy | String | The sorting field and order of the schema list. This applies to the original list and the returned list. Case-sensitive | Optional | Valid values are: ● NAME_ASC ● NAME_DESC ● OWNER_ASC ● OWNER_DESC ● MODIFICATION_DATE_ASC ● MODIFICATION_DATE_DESC |
Request body example
{"limit": 2,"offset": 1,"sortBy": "NAME_DESC"}
Endpoint response
The following table shows the HTTP response status codes for this endpoint.
Code | Description | Payload Response |
200 | OK The endpoint successfully ran and returned the schemas that the user owns or has access rights to | {"limit": 0, "offset": 0, "total": 0, "schemasDetails": []} |
400 | Bad Request You provided invalid values. | {"message": "string"} Example: {"Cannot deserialize value of type com.incorta.publicapi.model.schema.common.SchemaProperties$SchemasListSortBy from String "Name_Desc": not one of the values accepted for Enum class: [MODIFICATION_DATE_ASC, NAME_DESC, OWNER_DESC, MODIFICATION_DATE_DESC, OWNER_ASC, NAME_ASC]... "} |
401 | Unauthorized The endpoint couldn’t return the schema list due to authentication errors, such as an invalid or expired access token, or the tenant name doesn’t match the tenant in the access token. | {"message": "string"} Example: {"message": "INC_09030108: Invalid authentication header. Invalid Token [abcd1234]" |
404 | Not Found The tenant doesn't exist or is disabled. | {"message": "string"} |
422 | Unprocessable Entity You provided a value for the limit or offset that is out of the accepted range. | {"errorMessages":[{"message": "string"}]} Example: {"errorMessages": [{"message": "INC_01210000: offset must be between 0 and 2147483647"}, {"message": "INC_01210000: limit must be between 0 and 200"}]} |
500 | Internal Server Error The endpoint couldn’t return the schema list due to a server error. | {"message": "string"} |
Response parameters
The following are the parameters in the /schema/list endpoint response when the endpoint returns the schema list and details successfully (code 200).
{"limit": integer,"offset": integer,"total": integer,"schemasDetails": [{"schemaID": integer,"schemaName": "string","schemaDescription": "string","schemaType": "string","owner": "string","lastModified": string(date-time),"isEmpty": boolean},...]}
The following table describes these response parameters.
Parameter | Description |
limit | The maximum number of schemas to return, which you defined in the request. |
offset | The number of skipped schemas, which you defined in the request. |
total | The total number of schemas (of the selected types) that the owner of the access token owns or has access rights to. |
schemasDetails | The details of each schema that the endpoint returns |
SchemasDetails > schemaID | The schema ID as defined in the system metadata database |
SchemasDetails > schemaName | The schema name |
SchemasDetails > schemaDescription | The schema description |
SchemasDetails > schemaType | The schema type: ● BUSINESS ● PHYSICAL |
SchemasDetails > owner | The name of the schema owner |
SchemasDetails > lastModified | The timestamp of the last modified date and time |
SchemasDetails > isEmpty | Specifies if the schema is empty or not |
Response example
{"limit": 0,"offset": 0,"total": 9,"schemasDetails": [{"schemaID": 391,"schemaName": "HR_Bsch","schemaDescription": "","schemaType": "BUSINESS","owner": "Schema Manager","lastModified": 1679576492000,"isEmpty": false},...]}