Create an S3 Bucket

The following steps explain how to create a S3 bucket to store Incorta backups.

  1. Login into this URL: https:/ aws_image43
  2. Select Create bucket. aws_image14
  3. Select Next. aws_image39
  4. Select Next. aws_image34
  5. Select Next. aws_image19
  6. Select Next. aws_image13
  7. Select Create Bucket.

You created an S3 bucket. aws_image28

Backup Incorta on S3

To backup Incorta files to an S3 bucket, run the following script.

Change these parameters based on your environment: CMC_PATH, TENANT_PATH, and CLUSTER_NAME.

The EC2 instance has an assigned IAM role to allow access to the S3 backup.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
source ~/.bashrc
cd ${CMC_PATH}/tmt && ./ -clnm ${CLUSTER_NAME} -l | grep -v Id | awk <span class="c15 c44 c62">'{print$1}' | xargs -I{} -exec ./ -clnm ${CLUSTER_NAME} --export {} .
ls ${CMC_PATH}/tmt/*.zip | xargs -I{} -exec aws s3 cp {} s3://incorta-ami-backup/tenant-backup/
aws s3 sync ${TENANT_PATH} s3://incorta-ami-backup/tenant-backup/

The S3 bucket structure looks like the following screenshot: