Guides → Install MySQL Driver

The mysql jar will be completely removed from Incorta shipment starting the 2024.1.3 On-Premises release. So upon fresh installation, you need to call the patch script to add the mysql jar to the environment.

Following are the steps to add mysql to the installed environment:

  1. After installation, download the mysql jar version 5.1.48 from maven repository.
  2. Call the script that is found inside the installation package: ./ /path/to/installed/location /path/to/jar/file.jar example: ./ /incorta/IncortaAnalytics /incorta/IncortaAnalytics/mysql-connector-java-5.1.48.jar
  3. Restart CMC and / or any running Incorta services (Typically there should be none if the chosen Metadata DB is MySQL). Restart is required for Loader and Analytics services, SparkX, SQLi, and CMC.
  4. Repeat the above 3 steps for each CMC or Incorta node installation


  • Even if Oracle is chosen as a Metadata DB, the above steps are crucial for Advanced SQLi meta store so that Advanced SQL option works.
  • In case of introducing any new node to the cluster, above steps are required to be executed for the new node.
  • Regrading Incorta upgrade, no steps are required as mysql jars will be maintained during the upgrade process.