Data Applications → Analyze NetSuite Finance

About the Incorta Data Application for NetSuite Finance

The Incorta data application for NetSuite Finance provides prebuilt schemas, dashboards, and insights to help you manage cash, optimize payment timing for maximum benefit, and even help to identify problematic vendors.

Here are some of the questions answered by the Incorta data application for NetSuite Finance:

  • Are payments to key vendors overdue?
  • What are the payment discounts received?
  • Which customers have the highest invoice amounts past due?
  • Which countries have the highest order backlog amounts?
  • Do you pay vendors too early, too late, or on time?
  • How efficiently do you process payables?
  • Which sales reps generate the most revenue?
  • Who are the top customers by revenue amount?

You can further customize and add on to the insights in the Incorta data application for NetSuite Finance to support your specific business needs.

Finance Data Application Components

Here are the prebuilt physical schemas, business schemas, dashboard folders, dashboards, and insights the Incorta data application for NetSuite Finance uses:

Physical Schemas

  • NS_accounting
  • NS_items
  • NS_entity
  • NS_transactions

Business Schemas

  • ns_common
  • ns_finance

Dashboard Folder

  • 2 - Finance

Dashboards and Insights

  • 21 - Revenue Summary: Provides insight into revenue by a variety of dimensions, including customer, country, sales rep, and product item.
  • 22 - AP Summary: Provides insight into accounts payable (AP) amounts, status, and aging by vendor and vendor type.
  • 23 - AR Summary: Provides insight into accounts receivable (AR) amounts, status, and aging by customer and customer type.
  • 24 - Booking Billing and Backlog: Provides insight into booking, billing, and backlog details by customer. It also provides insight into backlog by country, and booking and backlog by product item.
  • 25 - Discount Tracking on Vendor Bills PO: Provides insight into the discounts received from vendors based on invoice payment terms.
  • 26 - Income Statement: Provides an income statement and transaction details.
  • 27 - Balance Sheet: Provides a balance sheet and transaction details.
  • 28 - Trial Balance-General Ledger: Provides a trial balance, general ledger (GL) AR details, and GL AP details. The dashboard consists of a tab for each of these items:
    • Trial Balance Tab: Provide the trial balance, or list of general ledger account and amount.
    • GL AR Details Tab: Provides the GL AR accounts with invoice, payment and past due details.
    • GL AP Details Tab: Provides the GL AP Accounts with invoice, payment, and past due details.
  • 29 - GL Summary: Provides company core dimensions and amounts by GL account dimensions, including account, type, transaction period, and transaction type .

21 - Revenue Summary

Here is a description of each insight on the Revenue Summary Dashboard:

Income (Revenues)This KPI insight shows the total income (G/L Account Type is Income)
Other IncomeThis KPI insight shows the total other income (G/L Account Type is Other Income)
# CustomersThis KPI insight shows the number of customers
# ItemsThis KPI insight shows the number of product items
Transactions Last UpdatedThis KPI insight shows the time the transactions were last updated, and how long ago in minutes from the current time
Company NameThis KPI insight shows the company name
Revenues by Year/Period/DayThis stacked column insight shows revenue amount by transaction year, period and day. Select a year to view revenue by period, then select a period to view revenue by day.
Country (Ship To)This advanced map insight shows the revenue amount by ship to country. Select the United States to view revenue by country, then select a state to view revenue by city.
Customer TypeThis donut insight shows the revenue amount as a percent of total revenue by customer industry
Revenues by Sales RepThis bar insight shows revenue amount by sales rep
SubsidiaryThis aggregated table insight shows revenue amount by subsidiary
Top ItemsThis dual axis insight shows the top 25 product items by revenue amount, and cumulative percent of total revenue contributed by each product item
Revenues by CustomerThis aggregated table insight shows the revenue amount by customer, and the cumulative percent of total revenue contributed by each customer
ClassThis aggregated table insight shows the revenue amount by product class
ItemThis aggregated table insight shows the revenue amount by product item
Transaction DetailsThis aggregated table insight shows the transaction details, including: transaction type, transaction date, transaction period, transaction number, customer name, transaction line key, item name, amount, sales rep name, G/L account type, account (number + name)
Transaction TypeThis aggregated table insight shows revenue by transaction type
G/L Account ReconciliationThis aggregated table insight shows revenue by G/L account type and account (number + name)
LocationThis aggregated table insight shows revenue by location

Example Revenue Summary Dashboard

22 - AP Summary

Here is a description of each insight on the AP Summary Dashboard:

Total RevenueThis KPI insight shows the total revenue amount (Posting (transaction line) is True and G/L Account Type is Income, or Other Income)
A/P AmountThis KPI insight shows the accounts payable amount (Transaction line ID is 0 and Transaction Type is Bill, Bill Credit, or Bill Payment)
Open A/P BalanceThis KPI insight shows the open accounts payable balance (Transaction line ID is 0 and Transaction Type is Bill, Bill Credit, or Bill Payment)
Past Due AmountThis KPI insight shows accounts payable past due amount (Transaction line ID is 0 and Transaction Type is Bill, Bill Credit, or Bill Payment)
Past Due %This KPI insight shows the percent of accounts payable that are past due (Transaction line ID is 0 and Transaction Type is Bill, Bill Credit, or Bill Payment)
Vendor Type A/P AnalysisThis bubble insight shows the accounts payable amount, number of invoices, and invoice amount due by vendor type
Top 20 Vendors by Amount & Transaction TypeThis stacked column insight shows the top twenty vendors by accounts payable amount and transaction type
AP DetailThis listing table insight shows the accounts payable details, including: vendor type, vendor name, transaction number, status, transaction date, due date, payable amount, payments due, and payable amount due
AP Aging BucketThis column insight shows the accounts payable invoice amount due by aging bucket

Example AP Summary Dashboard

23 - AR Summary

Here is a description of each insight on the AR Summary Dashboard:

Total RevenueThis KPI insight shows the total revenue amount (Posting (transaction line) is True and G/L Account Type is Income, or Other Income)
A/R AmountThis KPI insight shows the accounts receivable amount (Transaction line ID is 0 and Transaction Type is Invoice)
Open A/R BalanceThis KPI insight shows the open accounts receivable balance (Transaction line ID is 0 and Transaction Type is Invoice)
Past Due AmountThis KPI insight shows accounts receivable past due amount (Transaction line ID is 0 and Transaction Type is Invoice)
Past Due %This KPI insight shows the percent of accounts receivable that are past due (Transaction line ID is 0 and Transaction Type is Invoice)
Customer Type A/R AnalysisThis bubble insight shows the invoice amount, number of invoices, and invoice amount due by customer type
Top 10 Customers - Open A/R BalancesThis bar insight shows the top ten customers by invoice amount due and past due
AR DetailThis listing table insight shows the accounts receivable details, including: customer name, transaction number, status, transaction date, due date, accounts receivable aging bucket, invoice amount, and payments received
AR Aging BucketThis column insight shows the accounts receivable invoice amount due by aging bucket

Example AR Summary Dashboard

24 - Booking Billing and Backlog

Here is a description of each insight on the Booking Billing and Backlog Dashboard:

BookingThis KPI insight shows the total booking amount (Transaction line ID is 1 and Transaction Type is Sales Order)
BacklogThis KPI insight shows the total backlog amount (Transaction line ID is 0 and Transaction Type is Invoice, and Backlog Status is not null)
BillingThis KPI insight shows the total billing amount (Transaction Type is Invoice and Main Line is True)
Book to Bill RatioThis KPI insight shows the booking amount divided by billing amount as a percent
Book to Ship RatioThis KPI insight shows the booking amount divided by the shipped amount as a percent
Backlog MapThis advanced map insight shows the backlog amount by ship to country. Select the United States to view backlog by country, then select a state to view backlog by city.
Booking + Backlog by Class > ItemThis stacked bar insight shows the booking and backlog amount by product class. Select a class to view the booking and backlog amount by product item.
Summary by Various AttributesThis aggregated table insight shows booking amount, backlog amount, billing amount, shipped amount, book to bill ratio, and book to ship ratio by customer
Booking DetailsThis aggregated table insight shows the booking amount by customer name, transaction number, subsidiary, class, location, department, and currency
Backlog DetailsThis aggregated table insight shows the backlog amount by customer name, transaction number, subsidiary, class, location, department, and currency
Billing DetailsThis aggregated table insight shows the billing amount by customer name, transaction number, subsidiary, class, location, department, and currency

Example Booking Billing and Backlog Dashboard

25 - Discount Tracking on Vendor Bills PO

Here is a description of each insight on the Discount Tracking on Vendor Bills PO Dashboard:

Discount Tracking on Vendor Bills POThis listing table insight shows the bill due date, vendor, amount, purchase order (PO) creation date, and terms

Example Discount Tracking on Vendor Bills PO Dashboard

26 - Income Statement

# TransactionsThis KPI insight shows the number of transactions for the period you specify
# LinesThis KPI insight shows the number of transaction lines for the period you specify
Transaction TypesThis aggregated table insight shows the number of transactions and number of transaction lines by transaction type
Transactions by PeriodThis column insight shows the number of transactions by period
Income StatementThis aggregated table insight shows the transaction amount by account type name and account (number + name)
Transaction DetailsThis listing table insight shows the transaction details, including: transaction type, date, transaction number, entity name, account (number + name), and amount

Example Income Statement

27 - Balance Sheet

Balance SheetThis aggregated table insight shows the amount by financials grouping (asset or liabilities), G/L account type, and balance sheet account (number + name)

Example Balance Sheet Dashboard

28 - Trial Balance-General Ledger

Trial Balance Tab

Here is a description of each insight on the Trial Balance tab:

Trial BalanceThis aggregated table insight shows the opening balance, debit amount, credit amount, and closing balance for each general ledger account (number + name)

Example Trial Balance Tab

GL AR Details Tab

Here is a description of each insight on the GL AR Details tab:

GL - AR DetailThis aggregated table insight shows invoiced dollar amount, payments received, invoice amount due, past due, and past due amount for each of the following levels: GL AR account (number + name), company name, transaction number, status, transaction date, due date, and AR aging bucket

Example GL AR Details Tab

GL AP Details Tab

Here is a description of each insight on the GL AP Details tab:

GL - AP DetailThis aggregated table insight shows invoiced dollar amount, payments received, invoice amount due, past due, and past due amount for each of the following levels: GL AP account (number + name), vendor type, vendor name, transaction number, status, and transaction date

Example GL AP Details Tab

29 - GL Summary

# SubsidiariesThis KPI insight shows the number of subsidiaries
# CurrenciesThis KPI insight shows the number of currencies
# G/L AccountsThis KPI insight shows the number of GL accounts
# ClassesThis KPI insight shows the number of product classes
# LocationsThis KPI insight shows the number of locations
# DepartmentsThis KPI insight shows the number of departments
Amount by G/L Account TypeThis treemap insight shows the transaction gross amount by GL account type
Gross Amount by Transaction Period & Transfer TypeThis area insight shows the transaction gross amount by transaction period and transfer type
Transaction TypeThis aggregated table insight shows the transaction debit amount, credit amount, amount, and gross amount by transaction type
Debit & Credit Amount by GL Metrics [Drilldown]This column insight shows the debit amount and credit amount by GL account type. Select an account type to view the amounts by account (number + name). Select an account to view the amounts by transaction type. Select a transaction type to view the amounts by GL account number.
GL Summary TableThis aggregated table insight shows the debit amount, credit amount, and gross amount by GL account type, account (number + name), GL account number, transaction type, and transaction date
GL DetailThis listing table insight shows the GL details, including: department, currency, GL account type, account (number + name), GL account number, transaction type, transaction date, debit amount, credit amount, and gross amount

Example GL Summary Dashboard