Create E2C Instance

To create an E2C Instance:

  1. Go to this link: aws_image8
  2. Select Launch instance, then select the Incorta image. aws_image42
  3. Select Next: Configure Instance Details.
  4. Choose the VPC and role with the following parameters:
    • Network: Default
    • Subnet: No preference
    • Auto-assign Public IP: Use subnet setting (Enable)
    • Capacity Reservation: Open
    • IAM role: <Incorta-role>
    • Shutdown behavior: Stop
    • Tenancy: Shared * Run a shared hardware instance
    • T2/T3 Unlimited: Enable aws_image32
  5. Select Next to configure storage.
  6. Add a new volume. aws_image26
  7. Encrypt the volume using the following parameters:
    • Root: EBS
    • Device: /dev/sdb
    • Size: 8
    • Volume Type: General Purpose SSD (gp2)
    • Encrypted: <your KMS key> aws_image35
  8. Add Tags. aws_image6
  9. Select Next: Configure Security Groups.
  10. Select the security group you created, then Review and Launch. aws_image31
  11. Select an SSH key pair then select Launch Instance. aws_image33

You created an EC2 instance for Incorta. aws_image16